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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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An oddity I've run across both in FO3 and Oblivion, is NPC's showing up in areas where they shouldn't be. Yesterday, my PC was hiking up the path to Oasis, and suddenly this guy comes barreling toward me with four supermutants on his heels, and my PC ends up in this big firefight. After it was over, I discovered the NPC was Donovan from Reilly's Rangers--what the heck? He's based in DC.


It's happened to me more often with Oblivion--for instance, on the road half-way between Anvil and Skingrad, Baurus jogging down the road from the direction of Anvil and heading presumably back to the Imperial City.

Edited by FastBlackCat
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Ol' Donny ran clear from DC with them muties hot on his trail, then! This happens from time to time, as every NPC is loaded partially into memory at all times in the game, at least as far as position and basic AI calculation.
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Ol' Donny ran clear from DC with them muties hot on his trail, then! This happens from time to time, as every NPC is loaded partially into memory at all times in the game, at least as far as position and basic AI calculation.


Ok listening to BrotherHood of Steel in the citadel and the one guy practicing his "knight" imitation and his brother saying

"Why are you talking like that?"

And he says he thought they should try to sound more like their leader.

Other guy says, he doesn't sound like you at all, you sound stupid....anyway, probably old news but I thought it was funny.

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Overhead from a couple of muties while I was sneaking around:


1: "Aaaaaargh!"


2: "What?"


1: "I was thinking... and it HURT!!!"


2: "Shut up. You sound like a WOMAN!"


1: "I think... I think I was a woman! Aaaargh it hurts!"

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I've taken this snippet from one of my other posts!


Deathclaws. I'll only seen two so far. I've stopped playing the main quest and just rambling around the waste land. My first Deathclaw was half dead, so a missile finished it off. I was in front of Alexandria Arms Hotel. The second was a big surprise, I'd found the MDPL-13 power station. I went into the small sub station office just behind it, I looked right and then left, and holy sh*t a massive Deathclaw in the friggin room with me, just standing there and facing away from me...it actually made me jump...So knelt and sneaked, got to the side of it, then once in front of it it saw me and all hell broke loose.

I was almost dead before I got out of the building, once outside the thing followed me out. A couple of close Bottlecap mines and it was dead, I was crippled and almost dead. Very thrilling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Going through the Capital Building, just me and my Followers (RL-3, Bittercup and a couple of others). We start working through the Hall Of Columns. Target rich environment, for sure, but we keep having these BIG explosions (WHOOOMMM!!!!) happening to Bad Guys off in the distance. No idea what they are about ....


... Until, I notice something odd about the weapon Bittercup has slung on her back. Specifically, it looks NOTHING like the Lever-Action Shotgun she should be carrying. I check further.


Holy C##p! At some point in our escapade, Bittercup had somehow acquired a Fat Man - with reloads. Not that I had any objection to how she had used it up to then, but still .... I removed that weapon from her quick smart - and gave thanks that we hadn't done any close-quarters fighting while she'd had it.

Edited by 7thsealord
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, there was that one time I shot a Yao Guai's head off, and it flew a billion feet into the air. That was pretty funny, plus I was like level 12 so I thought I'd seen a lot of the game... boy was I wrong!


Releasing the behemoth at evergreen mills and watching him completely and totally destroy an entire raider encampment was fun too.

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