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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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@ nasoulking that mine thing is a feature, IIRC you get an achievement unlock if you do it heaps.


@relativelybest. Lol kind of like in oblivion when you jam sombody in a door.


My funny thing is when i decided to enslave as many people as possible and too my surprise they all ended up at paradise falls. Now i decided to rescue them all, so first i put landmines everywhere and dropped heaps of guns so they could fight back. Well when i released the slave all hell broke loose and for some reason everyone wanted to kill Red before fighting each other. Along with that it was hilarious watch all the slavers flying around after stepping on landmines. :D

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I was playing on my friends PS3 berfore I had purchaced the game for myself. I was walking by the bomb in megaton and there was a guy face down in the puddle. (rad poisoning maybe?) A few days later I came in the front gate and Walter was belly up at the top of the hill. Apparently just randomly dead none of the towns people seemed to care.
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I just recalled, while exploring the western and northern edges of the Wasteland map, I came across a remote camp where a man, a woman and their dog had set up a tent and a fire. They weren't hostile but had nothing in particular to say. Curiously, I could kill either one of them, or the dog, and the survivor wouldn't care, save for a brief "Better her then me!" comment. Talk about cold. o.O
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I actually have a picture:




Playing with Martigens Mutant Mod. I found this scene before me, while wandering over a broken highway.

Every single one of those is a hostile raider. I counted at least 17 of them.

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Funniest event I ever saw was Near the ending relating to project purity. For those who are not aware, something short of all hell breaks loose in a violent war. while we were trying to storm the jefferson memorial to reclaim it I had a squad of like 20 enclave soldiers coming at me from around the memorial. So i pull out fatman and nuked the effing poo out of the whole group. Heres the funny part. Idk if it was a bug with the game failing to load the death script for dismemberment (probably the act of vaporizing 20 people in one boom did it) but some of them were still fighting and strutting around missing arms and heads. I was laughing so hard I wasn't paying atten and got hit by an enemy rocket launcher. But wow the explosion was so epic if i was anywhere near it even with 525 HP i woulda been vaped. As the frag grenades blowing up too added to the carnage. Not to mention a few stray fire extinguishers



That day i discovered the true meaning of BOOM YAY KABOOMBOOM

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This was on my second character trying to get every unique in the game and making my megaton home into a trophy room :biggrin: I happened across the audio files of that family trying to get into the National Guard base. after finding them i found the experimental MIRV. by this point I was level 20 and a upstanding Capital Wasteland Regulator so I decided I had enough with the Talon Company giving me grief so I headed out to Fort Bannister to ...test drive this new launcher.


I had a total of 12 mini nukes on me so i figure open up on their compound should cause some chaos and started launching. needless to say i was surprised when it said i didn't have enough ammo for another shot. I was using trajectory so i had the presence of mind to launch aerial wise to get as much distance as possible. I didnt know though the damn thing launched 8 mini nukes at once! looking up I saw these 8 minis heading for Fort Bannister and many can testify the first things out of my mouth were, "HOLY poo!!" thus motivated I turned tail and ran just in time to see all eight of them halfway blow the Fort off the map. this entire time im just like, "Whoa!" :blink:

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oh sorry have one more thats for my current character (a scout type that hates killing but does it only if she is forced to). this was during the mainquest at the GNR. when the Behemoth storms out Lyons yells at me to get the Fat Man from the one of the dead BoS hanging around. Doing so (only because my main weapon was a silenced 10mm and yah lets see that kill a behemoth :wallbash: ) I equiped it and immediately went to VATS. I didnt notice Lyons standing WAY to close to the Behemoth and needless to say she was sent flying :blink: . its wonder she didnt try and kill me afterwards
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I was in the capitol building I think, and I went deep into it and I turned cheat on for no clipping, I went to this door that had no possible way of getting up since it was on a balcony, when I got there I turned the cheat of and unlocked it with a skill of 100, when I went through it I basically was through the walls XD, so I was walking all over the place seeing through what's going on under me and every thing, yet I was actually in the building, a bit like going trough the roofs or floor.


Imagine somehow getting up there without never doing cheats before, then somehow unlocking the door? that would be a surprise to see what's through it...

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So, I went to Rivet City to finish up Those!, only to find that as soon as I get close to the hotel, the robot receptionist, Mr Buckingham, went instantly hostile seemingly for no reason and tried to kill me with his flame thrower while everyone near ran screaming for their lives! The first time I shot him dead, but then everyone else turned hostile as well. On my second try the same thing happened so I had to use the Kill command to put an end to his rampage.


Also, I was just at the Citadel to check up on Dr Li, and saw her walk up to a toilet bowl, stick her hand into it, and then turning around and walking away from again. She didn't put anything in, so I had to assume she took something out instead, though what exactly I'd rather not think about. o.O


Incidentally, someone had decorated said toilet bowl with a box of sugar bombs, a milk bottle and two metal spoons. Somehow that just made Li's behavior more disturbing...

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