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[REQz] Shadow of Light sword


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Look lizlips, I swear I'm mustve turned into nazi rule person but seriously, when it comes to making a list of sword mods, edit your first thread or add more posts to it. Don't make a dozen posts asking the same question with different references. I looked through them half expecting them to be the same pictures.


I must be getting old if i look at this and get annoyed....

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Look lizlips, I swear I'm mustve turned into nazi rule person but seriously, when it comes to making a list of sword mods, edit your first thread or add more posts to it. Don't make a dozen posts asking the same question with different references. I looked through them half expecting them to be the same pictures.


I must be getting old if i look at this and get annoyed....



This is true, why dont you just update your first thread instead of selfishly pushing everyone elses topic request off the front page, Please.

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Look lizlips, I swear I'm mustve turned into nazi rule person but seriously, when it comes to making a list of sword mods, edit your first thread or add more posts to it. Don't make a dozen posts asking the same question with different references. I looked through them half expecting them to be the same pictures.


I must be getting old if i look at this and get annoyed....



This is true, why dont you just update your first thread instead of selfishly pushing everyone elses topic request off the front page, Please.

Because the First Two Can't Fit No More Pictures!!

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Look lizlips, I swear I'm mustve turned into nazi rule person but seriously, when it comes to making a list of sword mods, edit your first thread or add more posts to it. Don't make a dozen posts asking the same question with different references. I looked through them half expecting them to be the same pictures.


I must be getting old if i look at this and get annoyed....



This is true, why dont you just update your first thread instead of selfishly pushing everyone elses topic request off the front page, Please.

Because the First Two Can't Fit No More Pictures!!

Then simply make a new POST in your old thread... no need to make 7 different topics..

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Also... Aren't there enough sword mods out there? I've already made a rule for myself that I would not make any new sword meshes unless it was something that looked frickin cool. All of these are just too normal or look too much like collector pieces (great for the wall, impractical to use).


How about soe axes, staffs, maces, hammers, or other less sword-like bladed weapons?


How about just making a single thread for people to look at and post in if they should ever decide to make anything. For a single person to make atleast 6 threads in the last week about swords is a bit spam happy. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but by now there are several dozen threads like this with links to sword pictures. All of them with good intentions, but almost none of them going anywhere. The more such threads there are, the less chance that any of them will be remembered.


To summarize:

do a search (click more options for individual threads) for threads in the request section for threads containing the word "sword". page 4 goes back to the end of last year, page 13 goes back to January of last year. That's more than 500 sword request threads in the last year. While I will concede that many of these may not be requests for new sword meshes, most of those which are usually include several pictures, so it's really more like 800 requests in the last year. I hope you get the point.


If you're really, truly wanting to get all these weapons made, there is nothing preventing you from downloading and learning blender. Often the best way to get what you want is to do it yourself, however most of those who have been making meshes have stopped making sword meshes simply because there are so many already out there which someone would need to only adjust the textures on.

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Because the First Two Can't Fit No More Pictures!!

I'm gonna have to step in here and call you out on this one. You "might" not be able to attach additional image files but you can certainly upload your images to PhotoBucket.com or ImageShack and embed a direct link in your first post...ALL your sword images can fit in the 1st post. Just use the IMG tag.


Example: (reply to this post to see how I used the code)


Custom Glass Daggers:



Modified Glass Claymore for Transparency:



Glass Weapons:



Glass Warhammer:



Multi-Color Glass:






Jango Helm:



Akatosh Shield:



Hammer of Justice:



Riddick Saber Claws:


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