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Hoping for some extention help


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So idk how to create one for the game im playing even tho vortex has mods they do not have support for it. I truly was lost for how to get it to support it but im hoping someone on here has enough love to do it if they also play it, its The Outer Worlds its crazy they dont have support for it but like id really like to use these mods but i cant yet pleassseee help i know others will want to do it too

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Here's a template for creating a Vortex extension for "The Outer Worlds": https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Creating_a_game_extension_for_Vortex. If you can't do it yourself, perhaps you have some gaming friends who have the know-how to create the extension.


(Since Nexus Mods hosts mods for at least 1,468 games, it would be difficult for the small Vortex development staff to provide Vortex support for all these games. This is one reason why the devs have made Vortex an extensible open source program so that others in the gaming community can extend Vortex support to all these games.)


In the meantime, nothing is preventing you from installing mods manually. The mod authors have included installation instructions in their mod descriptions.


Finally, Vortex does not have mods. It is simply a mod management tool made available by Nexus Mods. The mods themselves are hosted on Nexus Mods, and on other mod hosting sites as well.

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