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Follower Count Conditions


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I have a mod that expands vanilla voices, like the female argonian to have follower dialogue.
It works fine, but Ive noticed in testing with follower mods that up the follower count limit- my added dialogue still follows vanilla conditions of one follower at a time and will refuse to follow the player if there's any other NPC following at that time.

I'm not to familure with scripts and dialogue conditions...I'm not sure if I should be editing the "Follow me I need your help" refusal dialogue conditions or the agree dialogue conditions...or the scripts attached to them.
Can any help me out? I want to make this mod as compatible with everything as possible since I'd like it to be a helpful resource to other moders.

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So, let me get this straight;
You make a custom follower, so you set up all your dialogue and audio, conditions ect
The CK generates it's TIF pex files for your "Follow me I need your help" agree or dissagree responses (and others of course)
And you had the same problem as me in testing with Follower overhauls where your Thorald would deny you if you already had another companion following you.
So you returned to the CK, and on the "Follow me I need your help" responses you either copied your dialogue into a duplicate or just made a brand new one, deleting the old.
And...copied the script- we're talking script fragments in the dialogues window? Or the actual pex file and just renamed it, since the CK generates a new one every time?

I'm just trying to wrap my head around how to fix this problem, everything else works just fine- technically this part works fine too as far as vanilla skyrim goes, but I need to fix this for compatibility with follower overhauls since almost everyone uses them.

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