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Can anybody port it to SSE right way?


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  • 1 month later...

The textures for this mod are in .tga format, which for some reason no longer works in SSE. The only one it still uses is .dds, as far as I know. What you'd need to do is find a tool that you can use to convert .tga files to .dds, and then open each of the .nif files in Nifskope and find the BSShaderTextureSet entries listed under each of the BSTriShape blocks (if it says NiTriShape, use SSE Nif Optimizer). Then with them selected, you would set the file extensions for each of the textures listed in the table below to .dds, and save once that's been done for all of them. Provided the .esp file has also been updated (which is done pretty much just by loading and then saving it in CK), it should work fine after that. I tested it myself, and managed to get it showing up properly in-game. I've considered reuploading it with these changes, but it seems like the original author wouldn't be okay with that, judging by how they've set permissions.

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