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Lord of the Rings


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I thought the special effects in LotR was really well done! I read the book, and it's really good too, but it had a slightly different tone than the movie. I read the hobbit and Jackson and them should make a movie out of it. What do you guys think?
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They made a cartoon one, but i personally didn't like it too much... It would be neat to see a real movie though... Who would play Bilbo Baggins?


edit-sorry... typo...

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Whao, you're like, a few years too late for this discussion.


Anyway, I thought all three movies were great, specifically Fellowship. I thought Return of the King was a little over-the-top with battle scenes, but considering the book I guess it was appropriate.


As for a Hobbit movie... my guess is it'll be done. But PJ won't be doing it, and it won't be that great. :shifty:



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Peter Jackson has said several times that he would like to do the Hobbit, but circumstances at the present time prohibit him from doing so. First off, he's remaking King Kong, which is probably going to punch me into math. With filming and then promotion, that will take care of his schedule probably until about halfway through 2006. After that, I think he might have something else already scheduled, but I don't remember what it was.
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If I remember correctly Peter Jaction said that he is going to do a movie baced on the hobbit but that he wants a few years off from the project so he can do other projects but he will be doing it ( maybe he is takeing a cue from lucas and will do the hobbit as three movies ,twenty years later, were he adds annoying caracters and forgets that there is a plot to follow, lol just kidding)
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