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How do i translate items?

Crim, The Red Thunder

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I know that the daedric (dwemer?) language has a set alphabet and can be translated; since someone offered a translation of icarian flight scrolls on their FAQ. I found some other stuff id like to know what it says (they mostly came from mods, but still)


I wanted to know if theres a source somewhere out on the internet or something that will tell me what all these characters mean.

Anyone know?

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try going to the imperial library here:





I know they've got it there somewhere, because I looked at it yesterday.

Alternatively(and an even cooler thing to do), you can find the daedric text file in the morrowind directory, and then copy it over to your windows fonts folder. Then you can actually type on word-processing programs(like Microsoft Word) in Daedric!

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have you tried renaming the extension? I think i once picked up a font with a program (the font's titled Exocet... it's cool and evil-looking... makes me think of witches for some reason... and i wish i could incorparate it to morrowind... but i digress) and i had to rename the extension to .ttf in order to use it. Anyone tried that?


BTW, Thanks, i found the language. (Someone had a lot of time on their hands to do that... but im not complaining!) And if you really want the font, the same page has a download for a .ttf version which i KNOW works with common programs like Microsoft Word, wordpad, microsoft works, and others.

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I was going to suggest looking up 'Daedric fonts' on Google or something and downloading the font. it can help you learn it. Also someone made a mod that gives you the whole Daedric alphabet. I know it doesnt have a 'y' and its missing another letter, but cant remember it.
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