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I need a lot of help with mods...

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Hey, so I have made an account (obviously) and have downloaded the FOMM, and Winzip. I have downloaded mods but I dont know how to implement them into the game. I use chrome and I have downloaded it into that little list thing that pops up. But I dont know what to do from there... Please help?


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Firstly, if you play, or plan on playing, Fallout 3, Oblivion, or Skyrim, then I suggest the NMM. It can be buggy as all hell, can be, but the download with manager function makes your life much easier. So, so so much easier. It installs it's own folders, ogranizes the mods it's self, and sub catagorizes them, which is neat because finding mods in a big list on FOMM is irritating. But some people like FOMM better.




I suggest watching youtube video's on how to do this, as the visual aid is much better then what I can describe through text. They're easy to find, and easy to follow. Watch GopherVideo's channel as he goes very very very in depth. (Mostly NMM though)


Once you have downloaded a mod, extract the files whereever you please. If there are multiple plugins, options or extra's, creat a new file and pick and chose what you want in that particular mod.


Next, use the packet manager from FOMM and use "Add FOMod" And select that file you created (Or extracted) It'll do the rest. Once it pops up in the list, make sure to check it. All done!


I highly suggest getting BOSS and FNVEdit (FNEdit?) BOSS is from Oblivion and sorts your load order for you, making sure nothing is conflicting. But make sure to manually check that order yourself, because you'll have read each and every READ ME and know the conflicts, load order, and instructions.


FNVEdit checks all your active mods for conflicts. It goes through the list and tells you what mod has made the game crash, or what mod WILL make the game crash. It also allows you to create Merged Patches, which helps smooth all the mods over in the load order so no missing textures occure, objects aren't replaced, and the game doesn't break it's self.


I'll be here if you have any other questions (I'm sure others can answer this with more clearity than I, though.)

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