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SkyRe Magic Weak?


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I use SkyRe and I love it. However, I started a character with magic and it was fine until I hit around level 20. Now all my destruction magic does almost no damage to tougher enemies and I get pummeled. Am I just not high enough in level? Or should I install another mod that makes magic a bit stronger? If so, what mod?


Also, another character I have has Serana as a follower and her magic does almost nothing against enemies as well.


I also play on master difficulty sooo that might also be an issue.

Edited by rbsdrummer
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I have no idea what myztikrice is talking about. I use SkyRe and have gotten a pure mage character to level 35 with no issue whatsoever, SkyRe is very balanced, even around magic. I personally suggest adding in additional magic mods because SkyRe does make the game a lot harder, which makes magic harder to use effectively. It is not 'broken' or 'incompatible' with magic, it simply makes it not the be-all-end-all of skyrim characters like it was in vanilla skyrim, which is why people often think it 'breaks' magic, because they are use to magic being broken in the first place, and it FIXES it to be as balanced as the other skill sets. Remember, SkyRe is designed to make you put more effort into your charcter build, instead of just dumping ALL your points into destruction magic and becoming a mage-god you have to balance things out.


Here are some of my suggestions for magic mods to make magic feel 'powerful' again for a pure mage character. (I personally use all of them + Asis to give the new spells to enemies)


Wrath Of Nature
Apocalypse Spell Package
Midas Magic Skyrim
Colettes Revenge
Nature of the beast
Phenderix's Magic Transcended
Empowered Magic
Dwemerverse Dwarven Magic Package
Enchanting Freedom
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Eh, I had a different experience with SkyRe. My Destruction magic was hugely overpowered when I reached a higher level and invested in the Destruction perks. I could kill a guy with two fireballs versus 20 slashes of a sword.

Try playing with Locational Damage, it seems to go really nice with SkyRe and makes it so that almost all battles are over in a matter of seconds(You should NEVER have to hit anything 20 times unless you are fighting a mammoth, or using an iron dagger), but it is still as challenging as SkyRe intended.

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Thanks guys. I like to play the game ridiculously immersive so that if I fight 4 bandits at a time I'm probably going to die despite being level 70.


I will definitely look up that Localization mod and the magic mods described ArtMurder, thank you!

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I would like to point out I have very recently realized Empowered Magic might conflict with SkyRe because it edits perks!


Also, Locational Damage is one of the most immersive combat mods in my opinion, especially when used with SkyRe, if you have MCM you can edit how likely critical hits are for each weapon group on every single body part, as well as make it so head shots with an arrow are ALWAYS 1 hit kills for both you and enemies! It even adds an option so that if someone is wearing a heavy helmet that the 1 hit kill effect won't work on them(including you)


I do have to say though, I play on adept, and the game is very hard thanks to those two mods, on master locational damage might make things a bit TO intense. But, if you really think about totally realistically, one arrow to the chest and you should be down for the count anyways. XD

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I have no idea what myztikrice is talking about. I use SkyRe and have gotten a pure mage character to level 35 with no issue whatsoever, SkyRe is very balanced, even around magic. I personally suggest adding in additional magic mods because SkyRe does make the game a lot harder, which makes magic harder to use effectively. It is not 'broken' or 'incompatible' with magic, it simply makes it not the be-all-end-all of skyrim characters like it was in vanilla skyrim, which is why people often think it 'breaks' magic, because they are use to magic being broken in the first place, and it FIXES it to be as balanced as the other skill sets. Remember, SkyRe is designed to make you put more effort into your charcter build, instead of just dumping ALL your points into destruction magic and becoming a mage-god you have to balance things out.


Here are some of my suggestions for magic mods to make magic feel 'powerful' again for a pure mage character. (I personally use all of them + Asis to give the new spells to enemies)


Wrath Of Nature
Apocalypse Spell Package
Midas Magic Skyrim
Colettes Revenge
Nature of the beast
Phenderix's Magic Transcended
Empowered Magic
Dwemerverse Dwarven Magic Package
Enchanting Freedom


Not compatible with magic scaling mods obviously, not magic in general... SkyRe's magic perk system is very narrow, complicated, and tedious. You can beat the game on legendary naked with a dagger, I don't care that you reached 35 with SkyRe magic. I didn't say it was hard, it's just not fun. This is its magic system, btw. The other changes SkyRe makes to melee perks and the like are fine.

Edited by myztikrice
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I have no idea what myztikrice is talking about. I use SkyRe and have gotten a pure mage character to level 35 with no issue whatsoever, SkyRe is very balanced, even around magic. I personally suggest adding in additional magic mods because SkyRe does make the game a lot harder, which makes magic harder to use effectively. It is not 'broken' or 'incompatible' with magic, it simply makes it not the be-all-end-all of skyrim characters like it was in vanilla skyrim, which is why people often think it 'breaks' magic, because they are use to magic being broken in the first place, and it FIXES it to be as balanced as the other skill sets. Remember, SkyRe is designed to make you put more effort into your charcter build, instead of just dumping ALL your points into destruction magic and becoming a mage-god you have to balance things out.


Here are some of my suggestions for magic mods to make magic feel 'powerful' again for a pure mage character. (I personally use all of them + Asis to give the new spells to enemies)


Wrath Of Nature
Apocalypse Spell Package
Midas Magic Skyrim
Colettes Revenge
Nature of the beast
Phenderix's Magic Transcended
Empowered Magic
Dwemerverse Dwarven Magic Package
Enchanting Freedom


Not compatible with magic scaling mods obviously, not magic in general... SkyRe's magic perk system is very narrow, complicated, and tedious. You can beat the game on legendary naked with a dagger, I don't care that you reached 35 with SkyRe magic. I didn't say it was hard, it's just not fun. This is its magic system, btw. The other changes SkyRe makes to melee perks and the like are fine.


Seriously, you must have SkyRe installed wrong or something. I couldn't survive 2 wolves on expert naked with a dagger, so that basically proves you've done something really wrong, or are using some very incompatible mod that overpowers melee combat grossly.


And SkyRe magic is very fun to me, much funner then vanilla skyrim. Vanilla skyrim has such a pointless, boring, over powered magic system it almost ruins the game. SkyRe makes magic balanced and enjoyable. In fact, I think most of the weapon skill perks it adds are pretty bland and boring myself, really just the same general thing as vanilla skyrim just over complicated with a ton of different weapon options, most of which are over powered or just outright confusing. It's almost painful to try and pick a perk in one of the weapons skills, usually there's a half dozen options that do almost the exact same thing with a different weapon class, and in my opinion it's the biggest weak point, and most unbalanced, over powered part of the SkyRe overhaul. Iif you dump most of your perks into one weapon skill tree, and spamthat one weapon, the game becomes god of war (blindly spam hit the 'attack' button over and over and over until you win or die). Magic in SkyRe is challenging, rewarding, and overall very fun to use, where is weapons are boring, over powered and ungodly bland to use, which is why I avoid them. I suppose if you like playing bland over powered characters, then I can understand where your coming from.


Not that I'm saying there is anything wrong with that, I mean, games like God of War are popular for a reason. ^_^

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