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New to modding and I think I screwed it up


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Hey, I'm relatively new to Fallout 3 modding, and I think I screwed up my .esp. I had spent a long time making various cells, items, whatnots, so-ons, so-forths, and I was finally ready to start populating them with NPCs. I needed a custom race for one of said NPCs -- the creepy, mud-haired ghost girl -- so I pulled up the CaucasianChild race just to look at it and see what was what on that dialog before I created my new, custom one. And then, in a fit of poor hand-eye coordination, I hit the OK button instead of the Cancel button, and now the GECK thinks that I've modified the CaucasianChild race.


In and of itself, that doesn't seem so bad, because I didn't actually change anything, but, I also use the Children of the Wasteland mod, and now, because of that little asterisk next to "CaucasianChild," CotW won't work right. I'm assuming it's because the version of CaucasianChild in my .esp is overriding the version from the mod.


So, long story short, is there a way I can repair that discrepancy and thus save all of the (tons) of work I've done on my .esp thus far, or am I pretty much screwed?

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Grab FO3Edit. Install and run, select only your plugin. When it is finished, signified by message tab having "Finished!" at the bottom, expand left pane tree view, search for caucasianchild under RACE record and select the race that you added by accident. Press Delete while highlighted. Click yes through the prompts, then close the Fo3Edit, select your plugin to save. You now should have deleted the record, load into GECK and review.

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I grabbed FO3Edit from the nexus, but when I run it I get an error.


[00:03] Background Loader: Fatal: <Exception: "Anchorage.esm" requires master "Fallout3.esm" to be loaded before it.>


I get this same error no matter what I select in the list. I've tried selecting just my .esp, I've tried selecting other .esps, I've tried selecting .esms, and I've tried selecting all of it. I get that exact same error every time.

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Nevermind, I found the error, there. My FOMM keeps moving Fallout3.esm down in my load order for no discernible reason. I had to manually edit my load order, put the .esms in the right slots, then run FO3Edit. Every time I start FOMM, it moves Fallout3.esm down in the list again. Heh.

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Quick question on that note, I noticed you mentioned FOMM. Is it better to use FOMM than NMM?


To my knowledge, they are kind of one in the same. FOMM was first and then was integrated into the nexus to include one-click downloading and installing of mods. NMM is sort of the latest version of FOMM.

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