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Enhanced Beast Races female argonian problem


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I'm using OCO2 and Enhanced Beast Races but whenever I load the mod correctly, I'm having a weird overlaping texture on female Argonian's chin


My load order of all the character-changing mods are:
OCOv2 Beast Races Enhanced.esp
Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp [Version 2.0]
BAF - Beast Argonians Froever.esp
OCO uses merged teeth.esp

Edited by trollberserker
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A quick look raises some questions for me that may or may not be a commonly experienced situation (may or may not because the mod does not have comments enabled, so no way to tell if it's you alone with this or everybody).


My question is whether or not this chin problem is related to the bash tags assigned to Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp vs those assigned to OCOv2 Beast Races Enhanced.esp (in each case meaning those assigned by the respective mod authors). Both use the R.Mouth tag so in the suggested load order the one from Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp will win (lower in the load order and using the same bash tag). OCOv2 Enhanced Beast Races includes a bunch of Argonian mouth assets but to my eye the Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 assets will be used if you use a bashed pach (although I do see that OCO v2 doesn't actually include any mouth assets for Argonians so maybe the Enhanced Beast Race assets get used).


The other bash tag that may be at play here is NpcFaces ... OCO v2 includes that bash tag but the OCOv2 Beast Races Enhanced.esp does not. As a test I'd try adding that bash tag to OCOv2 Beast Races Enhanced using Wrye Bash to see if it makes things better or worse (if the Enhanced beast Races mod adds assets that OCO v2 does not then maybe you'll get a best of both worlds thing happening).


It is a bit confusing that the Enhanced Beast Races mod author suggests that the patch should load before OCO v2 ... but what do I know?


- Edit - You should also confirm that BAF - Beast Argonians Froever.esp and/or OCO uses merged teeth.esp are not to blame by testing without either or both.

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Hmm, that looks like it's the tongue sticking out through the throat. Really weird thing to happen.


Interestingly almost every part of the head part meshes is replaced by the "OCOv2 Enhanced Beast Races patch", only the tongue is not for whatever reason.

But if that was a Vanilla thing, there would surely have been more reports like that already.

Or did you also install the optional "Alternate male Argonian head" download from this mod by chance, and this is causing it?


The one mod loading later, "BAF", doesn't have replacements for the head parts, only for the heads. This can't be causing the issue all things considered. You can, however, still try uninstalling it temporarily to see if it even changes a thing.


It's still a little unclear which mod's head mesh is actually used in the end here, considering there's so many in this list installing their own ones.


Oh, and as they're all overwriting each other at least in parts of their files, not only your "load" order matters but also the order in which they were "installed" and then also with which manager of course. Then we'd at least know "which" mod's files are the ones currently used.

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BAF only seems to add new hair and Merget Teet only has teeth for humans in their files.

But I've installed OCO via Vortex, Beast Races Enhanced manually, tyhen BAF, but I don't remember how, I think it was via Vortex too.


Here's Druja before and after I disabled BAF and something weird happened to her face too.


Anyway I disabled Beast Races Enhanced to see what will happen and all the changes made by it (the mesh, the texture, the spikes, claws etc) are still intact. Including the weird tounge.


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It doesn't seem to be a conflict for once, at least not between the mods listed above. None of them contain another body asset override for the Khajiit tails. The tail NIFs is where the claws were put inside.

If you don't have claws on your Khajiit (on the hands, the foot claws were removed), then for some reason the body asset override is not taken, or the file was overwritten by something else later.


Blockhead must be working though, or all the other overrides won't work either. So unless the body asset override function was changed by some later Blockhead release (doubtful), it must be something to do with the override asset file.

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