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Interior settlement problem

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First time posting on the forums, not sure about the formatting for asking questions, so I'll keep it brief.


I've been working on an interior player house with the ability to use the workshop feature, scrapping, building, the works. I've recently come back to the Creation Kit after a couple of years, so I've had to relearn and learn all about it. I followed this guide:

to help create the home.


The 'interior settlement' works for the most part, except for a strange bug which is blocking the building of any crafting station, armour, weapons, it does not give the option to press enter and build it. I've gone through the tutorial a couple of times yet get the same result. Furniture, decorations and even turrets can be built, but not crafting stations.


I would greatly appreciate any help from experienced modders as I'm out of ideas.





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Can you build stores?

Just tested now, can't build any store from the menu except for a modded one (has [M] on the icon). Thanks for pointing that out, completely forgot about stores. Could it have something to do with the fact it is an interior type workbench like Home Plate?


Edit: Will test with no mods

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Did you add it with the second rank? (Like Player.AddPerk 001D2468).

Yeah, I've entered both perk IDs, can't build any crafting stations. The most bizarre thing is that when I place an armor workbench using the console (FormID 0012EA9B), I can move it around using the workshop, place it down and use it. When I check the inventory of the workbench, it is linked to the 'settlement' inventory.


Something is stopping the placement of the crafting stations, still no clue why.

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What happens if you open workshop mode ("building mode") by activating the workshop workbench? Do you see the stores and workbenches?

They do show up, I've got the keywords on the workbench to allow building everything in the workshop menus.


I've tested the shops and they can be built. For whatever reason the crafting benches refuse to be built. Is there a keyword to enable crafting benches in a settlement?


Edit: Forgot to mention that I added a couple of keywords to allow building the stores, sorry about that.

Edited by chefbynature
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