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Want to avoid/ disable the "(BLABLABLA)- SPELL ADDED"- Message...

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Hey folks,


title says it all...


I´ve created a magic effect which casts a spell that carries the real effect plus shows a message...everything works fine, accept of my message is "complemented" by an additional messeage that tells me that a spell has been added...

well i know that, and i don´t want to be informed about it, so- how do i get rid of this "additional" message i don´t need?


Here is the script i use to add the spell plus the message through the magic effect:


Scriptname AAAWeakenedImmuneSystemSpellScript extends activemagiceffect

Message Property WeakenedImmuneSystemMessage Auto Const Mandatory

SPELL Property WeakenedImmuneSystemSpell Auto Const Mandatory

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Actor PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer()

Again: Everything works fine aside the fact that the game spells an additional message on top of mine, which tells me about the added spell-

is there a way to remove/ avoid that?


thanks for the help





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