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A Couple of Mod Requests


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Hi folks! Basically I have a couple of mod requests. One is simple and the other maybe not so much. I am crap at modding though and it would be way too complicated for me to even think of making one. Trust me! I opened the Creation Kit and tried but it was too overwhelming for a noob like me. So basically I was wondering if someone could either make or point me in the right direction for two mods.


The first one is to have unlimited work options at all inns in Skyrim. You know, when you ask for work from an Innkeeper and they hand you a Bounty-Letter to either kill a bandit chief or slay a giant. However, after the first few missions they run out. If I'm right the caves and stuff still respawn every two days so perhaps every two days you could get a new quest? I would just like it if there could be endless work and if perhaps you could become permanently hired by the local inkeeper and become a Patron to clean out the local bandits and thugs. Then you could maybe get a raise or a promotion and even your own permanent quarters in the Inn. The main thing though is to simply have endless work quests to clean out bandits since it's an easy way to make cash and get XP.


The next mod is slightly more complex methinks but the basic concept is borrowed from Torchlight II where you can give pets certain things and they will take it back to town to sell for you, returning in a bit with your money. But instead of (or as well as perhaps) pets, you could send a follower/companion to do that as it would make more sense. It would feel less cheating than say, have a merchant as your follower. Personally I would love to use both the above mods but lack the skills to make them. So I am wondering if such a thing is possible and if someone could make it for me. I would endorse and vote for it, etc. And definitely comment on whether it works or not.


Any thoughts?


Many thanks in advance!

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Pfft nobody reads those Bold type underlined sticky threads with exclamation marks in the title!

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