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Star Wars Trilogy....


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P.S. Han shoots first. 


Don't really give a crap who shot first, the stupid thing is that Greedo shot and missed from 3 feet away. And don't try to beat this arguement by saying Han twitched 2 inches to the left causing Greedo to miss.


Seriously...what the hell was George thinking by adding that whole Greedo shooting thing, the scene was perfect before he had to mess with it a second time.

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It's the last Star Wars film being made.


yeah...by Lucas... :bleh:


(thank god... <_< )



Concerning the DVD release...I'm getting a VHS/DVD machine that copies VHS to DVD. I hope to put my old Star Wars (original version, only remastered and cleaned up. no "special edition") VHS' on DVDs pretty soon.


The special editions are great, don't get me wrong. But I hate being reminded how crass of a buisiness man ol' Georgie is, when it comes to making money...

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