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Can't spawn Daedric Gauntlets w/console.


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So, after never finding any Daedric Gauntlets, I decided to spawn some with the player.additem command.

According to every source I've seen, the Daedric Gauntlets' code is 0000C582. So I input the command:


player.additem 0000C582 1


Which should add 1 Daedric Gauntlet to my inventory. Indeed, I get the message stating that just such has happened, and my encumberance goes up by a certain amount. However, the gauntlet does not show up in the inventory.

I have tried spawning other items, including other Daedric items -- all other items I've spwned have worked fine so far. I tried disabling all mods and creating a new character, and the same problem occurs there as well.


I don't seem to be the only one who has had this problem with this item specifically -- this thread on Gamefaqs shows someone encountering the exact same problem.




Unfortunately no solution was posted (it does seem to be an obscure problem). Any help anyone might have would be very appreciated.


Again, disabling all mods and trying with a new character did nothing, but just in case it'll help:

My copy of Oblivion is a non-Steam version (2-disc GOTY box) with the following installed.


Shivering Isles expansion

DLC: Frostcrag, Orrery


First Person Sitting

Bruma Guild Reconstructed

Chargen With Numbers

Cyrodill Transportation Network

Darnified UI

Female Imperial Dragon Cuirass

Illumination Within (within.esp is activated, without.esp is not)

KD Cloth Circlets

Loading Screens Themed Replacer (for both vanilla and SI)

Low Poly Grass for SI

Operation Optimization

Reznod's Mannequins

Subtle Sunshine

The Red Vest (this is a small personal mod I made that adds a retextured copy of the huntsman's vest, shouldn't affect anything)

Update My Statue

Xelus's Sister of Battle Armor

Edited by LaithArkham
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