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Survival Mode config (Booleans, sliders?)


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Anniversary Edition came with a bunch of (if not all) Creation Club content, which included Survival Mode. I thought this seemed like a really neat thing to get, but I don't want every effect, and would even like to be able to modify some penalties. I know there's Survival Mode Settings on the nexus, but that only adds a very limited selection of settings.

  • Fast travel Enable/Disable boolean
  • Carry weight penalty slider (150 is a big drop from 300)
    • Maybe an option to have a lesser encumbered effect when free weight is under an amount (No sprinting, but still full walk speed?)
  • Rate at which needs increase (Better to include this to avoid a conflict, I think)

These are the three things I'm interested in, but if everything's an option, it wouldn't hurt to include other options to make it helpful to a wider audience.


Separate from a configuration to existing settings, I also think that gaining a resistance to food poisoning (gradualling gaining the raw diet perk of beast races) when consistently eating raw food, only to gradually lose it when eating a bunch of cooked foods would be a fun concept.

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