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I deleted many saves, and then some problems occurred


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I deleted many saves. I did it from the load menu. I hit x and then enter for the ones I wanted to delete. I did it kind of fast, but I didn't do it as fast as I could so that the computer could keep up with my commands. I still did it quickly as I deleted around 200 saves. As soon as I did this, I loaded my most recent save. The game went to the loading screen, and then the screen transitioned to where I was (a general goods store), and it showed this place I was for not even a second before a CTD happened. I went back into the game and loaded the same save and it loaded up just fine. However, my speakers (USB enabled and powered compact speaker unit) now have an annoying buzzing sound. It isn't too loud, but it wasn't there before.


I loaded another save a little earlier, in a Dwemer ruin, and I couldn't pick up a buzzing sound. I reloaded the most recent save again, and a CTD happened very quickly like the first time. I reloaded the most recent save again and things appeared normal. I quit the game, turned off the speakers, and plugged in my headphones and reloaded my save in the Dwemer ruin. The sound is fine with headphones. No annoying buzzing. I picked up the game from the Dwemer ruin and made my way to Solitude, where my most recent save was, and made up the little lost ground I had. The game seems stable and fine, and headphones have no annoying buzzing sound. I loaded my new most recent save with the speakers on, and the annoying buzzing sound is there.


So what I'm concerned about, well, the buzzing sound on speakers is annoying. A bigger concern is this: Do I have to worry about my save data being corrupt now? I thought I deleted saves just like I was supposed to, but now I'm worried I didn't and that I set myself up for problems. I use SKSE so certain SKSE files are in my save folder. I thought I deleted saves like I'm supposed to. Is there anything I can do? Keep in mind that I had two CTDs with a most recent save in Solitude, but went to an earlier save in a Dwemer ruin, recovered lost ground, and made my way back to Solitude and will pick up from there. I'm not gonna use the save in Solitude that had the CTDs.


Still, I'm worried that I did something to corrupt my saves somehow. Do you guys think that happened? Is there anything I can do? Should I play my game for a while, and then post a Papyrus log here?


Also, about the buzzing speakers, does that sound like a familiar issue? Is there anything I can do about that? Should I try buying another one of the same speaker unit and trying that to see if the problem will occur with it?


Edit: I'm starting to think I have no corrupt saves, but my audio is still wonky. I had my good save which had no buzzing sound when using headphones and with that game progress saved it over the save that had two CTDs, and now there is a minor buzzing sound with headphones on any save loaded and there is a minor buzzing when I open doors into new areas. If I go to playback devices, I see five things listed as "Digital Display Audio - AMD High Definition Audio Device - Not Plugged In". I've never seen this in the past (at least, I don't recall ever seeing it).


Should I use a restore point from System restore? Maybe whatever I did with Skyrim and save files ended up botching something with my audio drivers. Would it hurt to try a system restore? Should I try reinstalling audio drivers? Before I do any of that, maybe I should try some other PC games and see how the audio is. Maybe I have to reinstall Skyrim ((I did the verify integrity of game cache function)). I don't know, but hopefully someone here can help me out.

Edited by Dubnoman
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Does anyone have any help to offer? It has been two days since I created this thread, and there hasn't been a single thread view yet. :sad:


Edit: Before I made this post, it said "0 replies - 0 views".

Edited by Dubnoman
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