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Is there a mod that prevents enemies from respawning so quickly?


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What I'd basically want is a mod that prevents enemies from respawning in forts, dungeons, mines, ruins, etc. so quickly. I hate clearing an area, then coming back 2 days later to have it filled with the same enemies again. It makes me feel like the time I spent clearing it out was a waste and I didn't actually help anyone.


It's immersion breaking for me, having areas fill with enemies so quickly. Just to be clear, I still want enemies to respawn, but much later. It makes sense that if an area was suddenly empty, bandits would move in. But I think it's silly for them to come back so quickly.


Also, maybe make the mod MCM compatible so you can customize how long it should take.


I'm surprised a mod like this doesn't exist yet. Is it difficult to accomplish? I have very little knowledge when it comes to making mods, so I have no idea.





One more thing: I'm not sure if this would be difficult, but could the respawning also be dynamic? As in, I clear a bandit cave but instead of more bandits, necromancer move in? Or I clear a dwemer ruin, and bandits take over the newly safe area? Is this possible? I think that "Dynamic Respawns" would add a lot to the game.

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