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Requiring help for a "Major" problem


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I've experienced this "problem" many times before, and with some piss-farting around, I've seem to fixed it, but the problem keeps occurring, and I know a way or two to fix it, but these fixes usually displease me and I prefer not to resort to them.


Well, so, there's more than one "problem" but they all seem to occur at the same time, as a group.


First of all, I get the Meshes Error exclamation mark on weapons, whether they be custom or vanilla weapons, it's a random occurrence every time.


Second of all, after a fast travel, when I try to talk to someone, it doesn't initiate dialogue, they just say their "greeting" line without dialogue.


Third of all, I am unable to select a position to fast travel to or set a waypoint on my map in my pipboy, and my cursor disappears.


and Fourth, my saves don't appear, even when I quick save (F4 and F5), or manual save, they don't appear in the load selection after the save is made.


I usually get this error when I install a mod, but I don't believe it's the mod's error due to it happening after I install any mod, it's always random, even low footprint mods.


My usual "Fix" is to uninstall the last mod(s) I install previous to the problem occurring.


If anyone would be able to explain why this is happening, or can suggest to me a permanent fix, that'd be great.



Edited by RedTheCannibal
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