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Adding a mod that changes the level list


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I have a question regarding level lists.

I've started a game recently, with a heavily modded configuration.


Here is what I installed :

Skyrim + DLC + SkSE + 200 mods + Bashed Patch + Reproccer


The game runs perfectly well so far.


I would like to add a mod that changes the LVLI list (it adds a single object to craft).

And I have three questions :


1) Do I need to rebuild again a bashed patch with Wrye Bash?


2) Do I need to re-run the ReProccer after that (a compatibility tool from SkyRe)


3) Is it safe? Will it mess with my savegames or with the game?



Thank you for your help.

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Generally, if you install ANY mod you need to rerun all SkyProc patches and re-bash patch your game, which is why it's a good idea to not do either of those things until you are 100% certain you have all the mods you want! ^_^

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