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[LE] Renaming NPC-Follower .ESP and Now CK Trouble?


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Yikes! Long story long:


1) We wanted to publish one of our best personal Skyrim LE NPC followers to Nexus Mods, but we thought the name of the mod should match the name of the NPC.


2) We renamed the .esp and all .esp folders, while keeping our custom textures and meshes, but renaming all of those folders also.


3) After we tried to path the Nif's, now the Nif's previews show empty space with none of the textures showing, but just a blank silhouette. This had never happened to us on our published successful NPC followers.


4) In the CK, we also rebuilt all armor, addons, body parts, etc., and double checked our re-pathed files. The torso, and most files showed accurately in the preview windows, except for the hair, for which we get an error marker.


5) We cannot get our NPC to how she was before we renamed.


6) So, we deleted everything, and started from scratch, trying to rebuild the NPC from zero.


7) The NIF's will still not show textures in the preview window.


Any ideas where we miss-stepped? Do we even make sense?

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I would avoid special characters in folder names. Ideally it wouldnt matter but because reasons, its good to simplify naming conventions as much as possible. I even avoid spaces. Use underscores if you really want that extra readability


If you mean facegen, make sure the facegen folders match the esp file name with extension. Those two folders you do have to have a period in them


Also check XEdit to make sure paths didnt get messed up which the CK is known to do sometimes

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