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[LE] Force NPC to use Grab Actor spell.


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I created a more powerful version of Telekinesis which is basically Vampire Grip, but without health absorption and I added it to an NPC, but he doesn't use it - he just equips it and flees like NPC's do when they don't have a weapon. Is it possible to "teach" an NPC to use this type of spell and create a guy who can pull you from a distance or drag you off a cliff with it, for example?

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NPCs favor higher damaging spells. They cast lower cheaper spells in a priority sort of way, so if a spell does no damage, they may opt to never use it


This can be handled in different ways. What I do is give them a shout which uses a Target Actor spell. I give this spell a certain amount of damage, I think maybe 50 I used, but anyway the point being to make them want to use it. Shouts have a built in cooldown too so its tidy there in regulating spammage


The shout hits their target, which now can invoke a script. Not sure how well you can use Grab Actor here, but what I'd likely do is not use that at all, and instead write a script with translation routines, to make the enemy get pulled. You can also use PushActorAway() with a negative value to pull them forward, but IMO translate is better since more controlled and you can add elevation

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