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Messed up first-person camera...Understatement...


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Help! I jumped into skyrim and all of a sudden, the first person camera just flips-out pretty much. 3rd person is just fine, no problems at all; however, every time I hit F, the camera immediately looks skyward and beyond...far enough that it makes a full vertical 180 and it end up jumping into the backside of my character like his very soul is on meth. It just might be because of the crap-ton of mods I have installed, but this has NEVER happened before. The first-person camera is so sensitive that just moving it slightly will set it off. Hell even just MOVING will set it off! I so much as walk a few steps and it makes that full 180 again...Interestingly enough, when I approached an NPC in first-person, the camera was slightly above my character's head. The NPC's still stared up into the sky as if I was a giant, but when I hit F and shifted to third person, their gaze directed right back to my character...which really confuses me some...Any ideas on how to fix this?


Original Post: http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/846960628531179518/

Edited by UrbanSurgeon
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I am experiencing the exact same problem and don't have time to trouble shoot it. I wonder if it has something to do with FNIS, I have the STEP installed on my box and I had to install FNIS for some reason and I am currently thinking this may be the problem. Game is perfectly fine in 3rd person, but 1st person is weird, if you jump the camera swings straight up, also weapons and things display but its as if you're standing above them, you can see your characters hands like you normally can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have exactly this problem, but am having an issue with the cam. I've come to call it the "drunk cam". It happens on transition, e.g. fast travel, walking through a door, etc. It's not consistent. Occasionally it happens; occasionally it doesn't; but the camera just goes wonky. When you look around, the effect is...well, drunkenness. (Best I can describe it.) The only way to fix it is to exit the game and restart.


I can't be the only one having this issue, either. I've looked everywhere for a cause and fix to no avail. If anyone has any clues, they'd be most appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just a thought, you didn't have to install FNIS based on the STEP guide.

I'd say that FNIS has somehow borked your char height up.

I don't use FNIS myself and have been racking my brains to try and think if any mods could be affecting the camera or character's height. It occured to me that I have both The Dance of Death and RaceMod installed. One affects the kill cams (at least) and the other has a slider for character height. Pretty sure this was happening before either were installed, though. Can't imagine the new kill cams would be affecting regular gameplay, but will try turning these mods off to see if the problem is there. Highly doubtful, but there we are.


Thanks for the memory jogs, anyway.

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