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Broke my game :(


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i disabled all my mods, (ofc i did not disable oblivion.esm) and i'm stil getting CTD's


You are getting CTDs with just oblivion.esm enabled? Then you must have either a corrupt save file, or something like a corrupt loose mesh in the 'meshes' folder. Or... maybe on OBSE plugin at fault. If you get a CTD when starting a new game, it must be one of the last two.

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i'm looking into that now,

when i started OBMM a sec ago i got this weird error i have never had before: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2napoxs&s=5



while still only having Oblivion.esm on as only file active (i did not remove the .esm nor the .esp i just unabled them (uncheck them) and renaming the following 2 folders: Meshes into: Meshes1 Texture into: Texture1 (i did this to assure that oblivion would read/use the files in it) it still crashed



i also renamed the folder which contains the save games into: "Saves1"

Still CTDing




Good News:

I renamed the folder: "menus" into: "menus1" and i no longer crash, so im now gonne rename all other folders into the name the are suppost to have and then we will have a look into the "menus" folder


oke i determinated that the problem is caused by a file located in: oblivion/date/menus/main (i don't know which one yet, but im looking into it)




thank you verry mutch,

solving this problem without you would have cost me verry mutch time and afford, at the least double the time,

and so u have my Thanks,

(i have also given u a kudo as a reward aswel)



I still have to find out which of the files in oblivion/date/menus/main is causing it, for the moment i disabled that folder, so i'm able to play (just renamed it: main1)

Edited by olha2
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If you have a \Data\Menus\Main\ folder, then you have probably installed one of the DarN UI mods. That folder does not exist in vanilla Oblivion, but is added by the various UI mods. Uninstalling and reinstalling the UI mod may solve your problem if it's a corrupt file (they are all .xml files) in there.

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If you have a \Data\Menus\Main\ folder, then you have probably installed one of the DarN UI mods. That folder does not exist in vanilla Oblivion, but is added by the various UI mods. Uninstalling and reinstalling the UI mod may solve your problem if it's a corrupt file (they are all .xml files) in there.

yes, i already thought of that, i'm doing it as we speak



sorry for late respond:

yes that did it,

its fixed now




Edited by olha2
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