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duel wielding handguns


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Haven't seen any of said pics, but most likely scenario is that you have someone with iddle animations and "armor" guns.


From that, to be able to include new firing animations (which the geck doesn't let us). AAAnd reload animations (which again, the geck doesn't let us) AAND tricking the game to have not one, but two functional firing nodes (which i'm not even sure if it's possible with the current engine)....

Not sure about your last one, because the driveable motorcycle manages to fire two guns (in different directions too...). Though that's probably done in some complex method that wouldn't work on an actual human type unit...


It's stupid how limited GECK is in regards to animations, we need some kind of new application that can set the settings manually...

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bike is made by making each gun an actor and moving them with the bike at a specified offset, and calling fireweapon on them. It's friggin ugly to do.


That's fine and pretty when you're using something static (a bike). doing that with a character that moves and is animated, one that could actually be of varied height and be in different positions, one that can turn quite fast and where the 3d place where the gun is supposed to be is different from first to third person view, and worse of all, you have a camera very very very close so any error of both positioning and sync is highly noticeable.....


And that doesn't take into account that you still need your pc to have it's off arm outstretched and firing.. which still means custom firing animation.. which is hardcoded.

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