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Mod to Combine Spell Effects


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Hi All,


Shot in the dark here and first post in this subcategory. Is there a mod out there that allows you to combine two spell effects?


As in; if I have a conjuration spell to summon a skeleton, and I also would like the spell to conjure another skeleton or a different conjurable minion with the same cast (at the cost of additional resources) is there something that can combine those two spells into one?


Alternatively, if I have a channeled destruction spell but wish to combine it with a ward - that could be pretty cool.


I imagine if this were to exist or if this turns into a request, there would need to be some limitations implemented to prevent weird animations or potential crashes due to conflicting casting types (channeled, single cast, etc.) or too many spell effects.


Hopefully i'm explaining it well enough!


Let me know your thoughts.

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