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Gormlaith Golden-Hilt voiceover


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Her voice actor is horrible. Always disliked Lynda Carters voice, and I am not alone.




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncjoNde8Gqs Her voice at 0:34:56....absolutely terrible...


I am wondering if anyone would be able to redo her lines, preferably a semi or professional voice actor, as the fight with alduin was completely and utterly ruined for me with her terrible voice acting. You'd think that one of the most powerful nordic women in Tamriel's history would have a voice more fitting a warrior, a voice filled with passion or at least some emotion, but i guess being the wife of Zenimax' CEO gets you a shoe in for voice acting important females regardless of a lack of talent. This has bothered me terribly since the first time I played the game, and I would be willing to help any way possible to get this done. Thanks you :smile:

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