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need help making a rideble creature


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i have just downloaded the Fantasy Mod and when i started playing it i got a bit annoyed that the "vehicles" that were put in were armor


so i tried to change it to a creature but because i suck at modding i didn't work


so i was just wondering if anyone could change help me out by ether doing it for me or telling me how to do it simply


the meshes are originly armor meshes and i want to switch them to make them rideible




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basically what you're asking for is a pair of vehicles, one that is basically fenrir with a different mesh, while the other is one of Saiden storm's akatosh mounts with a new mesh, no dragon sounds, and no mid-air gliding motions? you can probably find someone on here somewhere willing to do that, but triple posting simply to bump your thread isn't going to win you any points
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