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Mod idea/request


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There are many ideas that pop into my head when i play oblivion but i can never realize them myself because i cant mod worth crap :wallbash: . So im going to post my mod ideas and if someone makes them then all i could ask for is for the mod be linked to me.


Hoverboard: A flying mount that would require a new mounted pose and a new flight system.


Tower of infinite hight: Basically what it says. A tower located in the middle of the niben bay that goes up far as the eye can see. (If someone asks i can make a story for this mod.)


Summon Stone tower(Magic): Basically its a magic attack that creates a stone pillar underneath an enemy and shoots him into the air.


Hand blade weapons: This weapon is my favorite type of weapon but i have yet to see it as an oblivion mod. (For clarification: Hand weapon=blade mounted on wrist or back of hand.)


Mounted combat: Havent seen this mod so im not certain if it exists.


Body pickup: Mainly just something that i thought you should be able to do if you don't like the body's that you create. Its annoying to only be able to drag them around.


Rushing punch: Fun idea inspired by karate games. When you are rushing someone at full speed unarmed it would be cool for the punch to knock them back ten or so feet.


NPC hopping: It would be fun to hop on to people like a ninja and jump off them.


Sword throwing: Off idea that i had. Throw swords and they would stick into an enemy like an arrow.


Two hand to one hand: WoW inspired idea, mainly for the warrior types that want to be overpowered with non-modded objects.


body tossing with magic: a hybrid telekinesis spell that can pickup dead npc bodys(I think this has been done before but not with dead bodys.)


Unending spells: Spells that keep going for a set time while draining mana.


Mod spell creation: Basicaly it would be nice to create my own MIDAS magic with in game altars.


This is all i have for now but if anyone actually cares about these mod ideas ill post more.

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Most of these already exist. Try the mod search function or the mod detectives topic.

Hoverboard - Midas Magic Flying carpet - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9562. It could be easily retextured into a board.

Mounted combat - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8962

Wrist Blades - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3449

Rushing punch - I think this is included in one of the Duke Patric mods

Body pick up - see above


Do some searching, we have over 14,000 mods it's highly probable that most ideas will be there.


I don't remember an infinite tower or a summon stone tower of the type you asked for though. Most NPCs would just walk off of the tower and die unless it has either rails or collision around the platform.

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