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Can Death Items LLD be added to an NPC via Script?


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As the topic asks, can a death items list be added to an NPC via script? I created a death items list in the Creation Kit and I would like to add it to an NPC with a script when a certain armor item is equipped.


EDIT: To be more specific, I am able to add the death items list (LeveledList of items to be dropped when the NPC dies AKA Leveled List Death or LLD) to an NPC using a script but it adds all of the items in the list to the NPC's inventory instead of waiting until the NPC is dead for the items to be revealed in the inventory. I am hoping there is a way to add an LLD to an NPC using a script so that it functions like an LLD set for an actor or race in the Creation Kit.

Edited by GrimGrim31
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