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About GrimGrim31

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    United States

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  1. Create your spell and add it to the RefCollectionAlias for CaravanActors. There is an Alias Spell window in there that you can access in the Creation Kit when you open the RefCollectionAlias. The Provisioners already come with two spells but you can add your own. You can also uncheck the protected box there but the actors may be in other aliases that also make them protected. To make actors follow the provisioner, you will need a follow package and a RefAlias or RefAliasCollection that uses that package.
  2. Thank you. I read the wiki page while I was working on my script but it still leaves me wondering what is the ScriptObject akSender in the Function RegisterForCustomEvent(ScriptObject akSender, CustomEventName asEventName) native for the Custom event that I wish to use. Should the ScriptObject be WorkshopParentScript or the AssignedWorkshopActor or the assignedObject? EDIT: It appears to be the script WorkshopParentScript using the property name that I gave it.
  3. Has anyone used the Custom Events in the WorkshopParentScript? I am trying to register for one of the custom events in one of my scripts and have not yet figured out how to register. I tried this line inside of an OnInit() function but it does not compile. RegisterForCustomEvent(Actor akSender, "WorkshopActorAssignedToWork") The error message in the compiler states that there is no viable alternative at input 'akSender'. The custom event in the WorkshopParentScript is part of the function AssignActorToObject(WorkshopNPCScript assignedActor, WorkshopObjectScript assignedObject, bool bResetMode = false, bool bAddActorCheck = true) on line 1334 of the script. The custom event line in that function is SendCustomEvent("WorkshopActorAssignedToWork", kargs)
  4. I have run into a situation where NPCs are no longer affected by the syringes and spells that I created for my mod. It doesn't seem to matter how large the magnitude of the Magic Effect is. I made it 999 and it still was not powerful enough to affect the NPCs (ordinary settlers, Pack Captives at Nuka World, random raiders, and gunners). My character in the playtest is level 108 so I assume the NPCs are the same. Is there a way to make the syringe and similar Magic Effects work on all NPCs?
  5. Why use Game.GetFromFromFile to reference a script? I often use that function to pull object references in from other mods but not from Bethesda's base game or its DLCs. I usually reference scripts in my properties as Namespace:Scriptname Property Shortnameforscript Auto Const. The DLC files should be in a folder named for the DLC (DLC06 in your example above) and there should not be a second folder with that name inside the first folder. The NameSpace is usually the name of the User folder such as DLC06. Mine is GrimGrim31. Scripts in the Base folder don't have a Namespace.
  6. Thanks, I tried using the casting method earlier since Bethesda likes to do it that way but the real culprit was not filling the property. No method was going to work until the property was filled. I was stumbling over a chalk line.
  7. Hi Folks, i have a simple one line command in a Terminal to call a script function in a Quest Script when a menu item is selected using the Terminal. This is all part of using a holotape with menus to obtain information about a group of actors. HHQuest.setupSlaveList(1, 1) The Terminal Script Fragment compiles but does not actually work in game. It does not call the Quest script function setupSlaveList(). HHQuest is defined in the Terminal Fragment properties as GrimGrim31:_MY_HHQuestScript Property HHQuest Auto Const Mandatory setupSlaveList is a function in my Quest script Scriptname GrimGrim31:_MY_HHQuestScript extends Quest Conditional The Quest script is attached to a quest _HHSQuest that is used for the alias that a terminal fills whenever the holotape is used. Has anyone used a Terminal Script Fragment to call a function in another script? What am I doing wrong? EDIT: I checked the Papyrus Log and it shows the function getting called but not executed because "Cannot call setupSlaveList() on a None object, aborting function call". So it appears that the fragment is not able to reference my Quest script?? Solved: I had to fill the property. I kept trying the dropdown arrow instead of just clicking the big ol' Properties button squarely in its center. SMDH Thanks due to Niston for pointing me in the right direction!
  8. Nevermind. You want something other than a potion. Can spells be assigned to quick slots?
  9. Merry Christmas! Thanks to everyone that has helped anyone else this year in the forums! Y'all keep modding alive and well.
  10. The Debug Trace did not help much this time but I can find uses for it in the future. It turns out that my code was fine but I had to start a new game instead of running new versions of the script in the middle of a game. Thanks for offering assistance. Most folks read and move on without helping so I appreciate anyone that takes time to respond.
  11. Maybe you can change it by editing the BGSM for the Glowing One? The BGSM file is named GlowingOneBody1.BGSM and it is located in the Data/Materials/actors/FeralGhoul folder. If you have not unpacked the FO4 data files, you will not see it in your data folders. I unpacked all of the FO4 data files in a separate download file folder where I can look at them without affecting my game data.
  12. As the topic asks, can a death items list be added to an NPC via script? I created a death items list in the Creation Kit and I would like to add it to an NPC with a script when a certain armor item is equipped. EDIT: To be more specific, I am able to add the death items list (LeveledList of items to be dropped when the NPC dies AKA Leveled List Death or LLD) to an NPC using a script but it adds all of the items in the list to the NPC's inventory instead of waiting until the NPC is dead for the items to be revealed in the inventory. I am hoping there is a way to add an LLD to an NPC using a script so that it functions like an LLD set for an actor or race in the Creation Kit.
  13. I have a simple script that changes Actor Values (Aggression, Confidence, and Assistance) using akActor.SetValue (ActorValueName, 0) when an armor item is equipped (using the script function OnEquipped (Actor akActor). The Actor Values are changed to zero some of the time but not always. Sometimes the NPCs keep their original values. The inconsistent application of the zero values is frustrating. Is there a way to make sure that SetValue works every time? The script also attempts to give the NPC potions using akActor.AddItems (ItemName, 2, true). When the armor item is unequipped the script tries to remove the added potions using akActor.RemoveItem (ItemName, -1, true). The items have a property declared as Potion property ItemName auto and I filled the property in CK with the proper potion. However, when the script runs, the potions are not added to the NPC. If I add the potions to the NPC manually in the console and then activate the script to remove the potions, they are not removed. I am puzzled as to why AddItem and RemoveItem are not working in the script. akActor.SetProtected (False) and akActor.SetEssential(False) are also applied inconsistently. Sometimes, it works and sometimes it does not. Is there a way for the script to consistently make the NPC unprotected and non-essential.
  14. Thanks guys. I finally had time today so I fixed the leaf bed Nif issue. I just had to add collision in Nifskope. I tried a couple methods and the one that worked best was just to copy the trishape data from dead leaves NIF into the existing sleeping mat setdressing object and then delete the original trishape for the sleeping mat. So the object uses the dead leaves trishape with the sleeping mat's collision. Now I can select and rotate the leaf bed and also use it in game to sleep. It looks much better than the rock textured sleeping rug that I was using before.
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