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Dragonborn / Player Character to SPEAK dialog to NPCs...


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It seems odd that in a game-world where 'Voice' is so central, our hero only has a three-word vocabulary.


How achievable would a mod be that audibly SPEAKS the dialog-choice as its selected, for a much more immersive 'conversational' experience - eg...


You : "What have you got for sale?"

Vendor : "Everything's for sale!"


Audible threats leading to combat, back and forth conversations with npc's etc.


The two obvious approaches are:

A - Trigger a tiny mp3 file recording of every dialog choice.
or B - Convert text to speech on the fly in-game. ( Siri style )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmUM-MlA8Y4 (but imagine a more tough-guy persona!)

Immediate/obvious concerns (and possible solutions)...

  1. Sheer number of lines to act. Prepare well - print a list of every command, get into character and power through them in one or two sessions! Software can split a long take into multiple files around silence.

  2. Who should Dragonborn sound like / what accent etc? Obviously the idea is to project yourself into the role, but any confident, resonant, mid-atlantic accent should capture the badassy essence of the character. Doesn't have to be Morgan Freeman!

  3. Need a male and female take for every line. Subsequent mods or MCM options could modulate the sound files to a female register, without sounding like a drag-queen. Again, some word processors even have built in 'personalities.' (+ or separate m/f actors/mods maybe)

  4. NPC reaction delay.
    In-game, the NPCs reaction/reply is triggered the moment you select your choice.
    This would cause a delay/overlap while Dragonborns chosen line is spoken.
    To solve this, force NPC reaction to be delayed a second while the line is spoken.

Anyone know if there's a mod project like this / in development?


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Sounds like a massive amount of work. But still is a Great idea.


But i mean if you are using someone else's voice you aren't really being "immersive"

that just reminds you that you aren't that dragonborn you are just playing a game.


So until someone is kind enough to develop something like this, a temp solution to that is just say the lines you want out loud :D

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well, you could hire 20 Voice Actors, a Male and Female for each playable race, or 60 voice actors - a male/female (warrior, thief, wizard like voices) for each of the races, or you can do what I do, but I warn you I'm a silly person that used to be an actor before I became a director/designer and voice my own dialogue choices by reading out my own lines much like a scripted reading.

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  • 2 years later...

agree this would be a great mod...Bethesda needs to go to school with the developers of Witcher 3 where all the characters to include the main characters speak. And Witcher 3 graphics are superb.

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agree this would be a great mod...Bethesda needs to go to school with the developers of Witcher 3 where all the characters to include the main characters speak. And Witcher 3 graphics are superb.

You need to understand this was done on purpose.

Unlike The Witcher series where there is a set main character, the Elder Scrolls series doesn't have a set main character. You MAKE the main character, so giving a specific voice to it is much harder. It doesn't take a single voice actor, it'd take a bunch of them for various voice styles for the different races as well as varying personalities to fit in well.

Imagine a stealthy mage character sounding like he'd fit better wearing heavy armor and cleaving with a battleaxe.

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It seems odd that in a game-world where 'Voice' is so central, our hero only has a three-word vocabulary.


How achievable would a mod be that audibly SPEAKS the dialog-choice as its selected, for a much more immersive 'conversational' experience - eg...


You : "What have you got for sale?"

Vendor : "Everything's for sale!"


Audible threats leading to combat, back and forth conversations with npc's etc.


The two obvious approaches are:

A - Trigger a tiny mp3 file recording of every dialog choice.

or B - Convert text to speech on the fly in-game. ( Siri style )

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmUM-MlA8Y4 (but imagine a more tough-guy persona!)

Immediate/obvious concerns (and possible solutions)...

  1. Sheer number of lines to act. Prepare well - print a list of every command, get into character and power through them in one or two sessions! Software can split a long take into multiple files around silence.

  2. Who should Dragonborn sound like / what accent etc? Obviously the idea is to project yourself into the role, but any confident, resonant, mid-atlantic accent should capture the badassy essence of the character. Doesn't have to be Morgan Freeman!

  3. Need a male and female take for every line. Subsequent mods or MCM options could modulate the sound files to a female register, without sounding like a drag-queen. Again, some word processors even have built in 'personalities.' (+ or separate m/f actors/mods maybe)

  4. NPC reaction delay.

    In-game, the NPCs reaction/reply is triggered the moment you select your choice.

    This would cause a delay/overlap while Dragonborns chosen line is spoken.

    To solve this, force NPC reaction to be delayed a second while the line is spoken.

Anyone know if there's a mod project like this / in development?



Or you could get Fallout 4.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bumping this because AfroGamerNinja makes a valid point.

Fallout 4.

We need to make a Speech System similar to Fallout 4, any takers?

That would work only if the character had a SET background like the main character in Fallout 4 (family person who is searching for their abducted son in the wasteland). In TES, we got nothing. Just "oh hey, you're in jail because reasons, now some event allows you to escape and start from scratch". And that's if we don't count the alternate start mods.

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I just had an idea for this. What if the way you select a dialogue option was through voice, so that when you select a dialogue option you literally hear your own voice and it would only select the option once you were done talking so it would seem like you said it? Of course your voice would just be matched to set options so the voice recognition would not be TOO difficult. A mod did this with shouts so I think it's possible.

Edited by timotree
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