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How do I delete those civil war map markers?


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I'm currently trying to edit a location in the CK. The place in question has one of those civil war maps with those red and blue flags that change colour depending on the progress of the civil war quest. You can activate them to update your map as well. However, these flags do not appear in the CK at all so I can't for the life of me find a way to delete them or move them. I can delete the map and the table the map sits on (and basically everything around the flags) but in game the flags still show up floating in mid air.


I would have thought they were activators but they don't seem to even show up in the right list in cell view (unless they're called something deceptive). Can anyone help?




In case you're not sure what I'm talking about, these are the flags I'm referring to:



Edited by ContagiousCure
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  • 11 months later...

If you double click the map and go to the scripts tab, you can find the inherited script that's putting those flags there. The flags themselves are placed in-game. You can't find them in the CK because they don't exist in the CK. All you have to do to get rid of the flags is to remove that script from the reference of the map in the room and those flags will never appear.

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  • 2 years later...

I know it's been a while since the question was asked, but I ran into the same issue today and the solution might still be useful to someone.


Actually the solution is quite simple: I removed my mod from the plugins.txt and loadorder.txt files (so that the mod is not loaded), launched the game and loaded my last save, saved, exited the game, then put back the mod in plugins.txt and loadorder.txt.

After reloading my latest save, I entered the place which used to have the flags, and they were gone.

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