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I just cant get this **** to work. ( dogmeat's search function )


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Basicaly I want to use dogmeat's search function on my companion....but somehow this poo doesnt really work right.


I've started from scratch to see that it really works right. means I've created a new NPC gave it a REF and implemented all necessary AIPackages ( findammo,findweapons,findchems,findfood,return ) changed all REF's to my NPC and ScriptVariables , made new quest and all that shiet. like a 1 to 1 copy. Im happy that I got this working. I am able to let him join my party and set him to search mode and he returns to me. but HERE comes my problem. when he's done searching, I am not able again to set him to search mode again. I can only make him go once..... why ? Also, he stops following me when he returns.... I am sure that I havent forgot something. I think it has to do something with the return package or something....when he returns FIND is set to 2. to be able to select "go search something" it needs to be 0. but how does it work on dogmeat then ? T_T


I hope you get me.

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  • 3 months later...

If you're expecting us to tell you that you didn't missed a thing and that all is flawed and woe is you, you're sadly mistaken.


In all likeness, you forgot to convert something, probably related to either the final parts of the ai packages when the npc reaches the player, their scripts, or the result script or conditions of the related greeting dialogue.

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