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Main quest crashes - A blade in the dark - Delphine


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Hi guys,


I have a strange bug. My game runs smooth without any crashes at all (50 hours of playtime).


But the moment I start the quest A blade in the dark, this happens:


Delphine changes into hear leather clothing. Then she walks out the door of the inn.

The moment I try to follow through the door, the game crashes to desktop.


I also tries to run ahead of her and wait. But even if Im outside and Delhine shows up, the game crashes.


I also tried to fast travel to another location before she gets out the door. But even then in the middle of nowhere the game crashes the moment i presume she comes out the door.


I have no idea what mod can possibly do something like that.


Like I said, I can literally do everything else.


Help would be really appreciated





PS: attached my load order

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It most definitely is one of the mods. I tried loading a game without any addons, and it works just fine.

Hi, I know it's several years late but I have EXACTLY the same issue. Must be mod related but I'm running 255 so not quite as easy to figure out. I'm trying disabling ones that appear in both your load order and mine. Thanks for sharing.


If anyone can help or has a solution please let me know, at level 71 (been playing all side quests) so don't really want to start over, lol...

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