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SLI 2 Nvidia cards for Skyrim?


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Hey everyone! So I currently have an Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 and I am thinking about setting up an SLI with another of the same card for Skyrim. My questions are:


1. Will this improve my FPS? I'm currently getting 60, but am stuttering in FPS heavy areas and sometimes it drops to as low as 10 in graphics heavy areas.


2. My current card has 1.5GB of memory but the card I found is also a GeForce GTX 660 but has 2GB of memory. Can I SLI them together or do they have to be the same memory?


I have never hooked up multiple GPU's before so I'm sorry if these are silly questions.



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what cpu are you using? and what settings are you using? i have a 660ti (i realize it a little bigger) but i can almost max skyrim out aside from a few settings. I too was thinking about gettings another 660ti to pair with mine but i think that it would be better for me just to upgrade to one really good card rather then have to lesser cards you know? with sli you get a lot of heat and and driver issues are more prominent.


aside from all that skyrim is a very cpu intensive game i upgraded my i3 to an i5 and overclocked it to 4.5ghz and it was a HUGE improvement on skyrims FPS

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Thanks for your reply! I have an i7 at 3.60 Ghz. Don't get me wrong, my game runs pretty good. And of course the vanilla game runs perfectly. However I have a lot of graphical mods installed (SMIM, Real Clouds, CoT, SFO, Realistic Lighting & FX, etc).


I'm also running ambient Occlusion at the "performance" level and I would like to move that up to the "Quality" level.


My rig is an Alienware (the base model) but I can see it was set up to have two cards (I already have a handy extra 6 slot PCI power connector and my PSU is by Alienware meant for dual GPU's).


I'm pretty much ready to go to the shop and buy it, but they only have the 2GB version of my card and I don't want to get it if it will not work with the 1.5GB version of the same card. From what I gather, my system will just default at the lower memory setting of 1.5 GB which I'm okay with. So long as it works and increases my performance.


I keep seeing conflicting info online about different memory sizes and SLI configs.. Some folks say you can do it while others say not to. I see on the Nvidia site they mention something about "Coolbits" but I have no clue that that is. My computer knowledge is basic at best and I don't want to harm my new comp so I'm hesitant.

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I actually just went out tonight and bought me a GTX 760 (just a single card). Cranked up ambient occlusion to "quality" and took a quick jog through the forests of Falkreath (where I normally would drop down to 40 FPS) and I maintained a stable 60 FPS with zero stutter.


I'm a happy gamer :)


Thanks for the responses! I really appreciate you all jumping in!

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