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Hunted To Extinction II


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"Long ago, a great shadow fell upon the land, bringing the world to the brink of destruction. But a team of adventurers rose up to fight this evil. They traveled the world, slowly progressing in strength, until they reached the source of the evil and vanquished it. The world was once again at peace.


Shortly thereafter, however, another evil came to take its place. And another ragtag team of adventurers appeared to slay it, saving the world from destruction.


Over the years, evil threats continued to pop up, but there were always heroes waiting in the sidelines to strike them down. This cycle continued for hundreds of years, evil threats appearing, heroes appearing to stop them, neither side gaining ground. Eventually, though, the population of brash young heroes began to exceed that of universe destroying demons. Any potential threats were quickly squashed, and epic adventures became few and far between.


Slowly, but steadily, the evil was wiped out. The heroes of the world had lost their purpose.


What were these bold, bored heroes to do, when evil had been... hunted to extinction?


Hunted to Extinction II

- Online turn-based party vs. party combat

- Battle system loosely based off the Final Fantasy series

- Job system similar to those found in Final Fantasy 5, Tactics, and X-2

- Completely free to play, sign up today!"


Basically, you create a party, and combat other people in turn based combat. It's basically FFV, but multiplayer. Minus the storyline. As well as everything but combat. And it's still awesome. :P

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