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Only one fur armor variant


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Hello! There 4 variants of fur armor cuirass in game (see http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111120035015/elderscrolls/images/thumb/7/75/FurArmors.jpg/1000px-FurArmors.jpg )

What I want is to have only one variant (full body with sleeves)

As i understand I have to do smth with the folder Data/Meshes. But what exactly? Which exactly files I have to extract and rename from the Skyrim - Meshes.bsa ?

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One method would be to open the Creation Kit and locate the armor forms for the 4 fur cuirass, then locate the armor addon forms for the 4 fur cuirass. Note which armor addon form is for the full body with sleeves. Go to the armor forms for the 4 fur cuirass and add the full body with sleeves addon to each of them and remove those which are not the full body with sleeves (see the Models box on the armor form). This would cause all four instances to have the same appearance. There would still be 4 types throughout the game world but they'd all look the same. Care tho would have to be taken with regards to any mods that might change those same forms.


If you really want to extract meshes, then locate those armor addon forms. You should see the assigned mesh listed for both genders, make a note of it. The only one you need to extract is the one that is for the full body & sleeves. Copy, rename and place wherever the other 3 armor addon forms are pointing too for their mesh. Then the next time you load up the game it should use the full body & sleeves for all four fur cuirass. But this route you have to take care with any replacer mods that might overwrite those files.

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