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What attracts you to Oblivion?


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I thought it might be interesting to hear your thoughts on why you people like playing Oblivion (.. besides the obvious).


Personally, I like the violence of the game (oh God, this makes me sound sooo evil :(). Its so much fun to be able to just let go and kill people when I'm annoyed, instead of taking it out on people IRL. I really also like planning stuff, and being able to just ride across the country, storm a ruin or cave and kill all the people inside. Doing stuff I'd never be able to do in real life, and not having to really face the concequences and feeling all-powerful because I can choose what to do and what not to do. (And having the game be swords and bows-and-arrows makes me feel less horrible about myself, seeing as I'm not running around blasting people with machine guns. :D)


Being female, I'm really not attracted to the "SEXY GIRLS RUNNING AROUND NAKED AND KILLING PEOPLE!!!!"-aspect of the game that I know most Oblivion players enjoy (no use denying it, just look at what kind of mods are made and what videos are posted on youtube and what pictures are showcased here - naked women, women in pornographic poses, strip club-mods, etcetc). And, let's face it, the men in Oblivion really aren't very hot, and I have seen next to no male-hotness mods out there.


The floor is yours.

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When I only had it for the 360, the most fun I had was (not a psycho) playing with dead bodies! *gasp* When some highwayman or equally annoying NPC got on my nerves, it was just great to be able to humiliate them by dragging their naked corpse to the middle of the road where everybody could see. Though, I'm not sure why a corpse would feel humiliated, but it was fun anyway.


Also, if you actually want male-hotness mods, you should look up Roberts male bodies, and Alienslof's mods. Another post says Slofs stuff may be unavailable though.

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I've always loved western fantasy. You know, everything that includes elves, dragons, goblins, orcs and the like. And Oblivion is pretty much a sheer western fantasy game. Right up my alley. Then when I got it for the PC i came across this site and saw alot of amazing mods that satifyed my need for more diverse weaponry and armor...
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For the 360 I really love to play Argonians with blue scales (Don't ask me why though, I can't answer) and so I go around from town to town, invading dungeons, camps, and the like in between, and punch anything that annoys me to upgrade my hand to hand. This includes (but is not limited to) monsters, bandits, traps, random people in towns, random items in random houses that belong to random people...


yeah, I like rampaging.


But my favorite part for the computer is the fact that there are so many quests you can download and do in-game, and i have a habit of seeking out every new race mod, just to test it out. it's so much fun!

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well, for me it a simple question really... first of all i love medieval/fantastic world...all these legend of this and that...so when playing in the oblivion world i really put my self into it...just like i do whit "real life"...for sure sometimes i do stuff in the game that i would never do in real world...but the game itself make me believe i'm there in this dongeons fighting for my life...i sound like an addict...maybe i am after all !

this is the reason why i love oblivion so much....becuse whit that game i just can let my imagination go to be whoever i want and act like it ! THANKS SOOO MUCH BETHESDA !

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the gameworld does it for me. To see the pretty Landscape and knowing that you can just walk there, without "zoning" or whatever, thats nice. The Mountain over there is "really" there, its not Part of a Skybox. You can walk up to that Mountain and then look back to the Place where you came from.

Another Thing: the Skillsystem: You can just Practise everything. If you'll just practise, you will eventually become a Master in every discipline. If you are a Wizard, you dont have to wear Pointy Hats. You can be an Orc-Mage wielding an Axe and light Armor. I have a Nord Mage with a Sword and a Bow. Wearing heavy armor.

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I've been a fan since Arena, but what draws me to Oblivion, and Morrowind for that matter, is the customization. Without the construction set, it just wouldn't be quite the same. I love being able to make adjustments to the game to make the game fit my play style, with a character I have envisioned.
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"Being female, I'm really not attracted to the "SEXY GIRLS RUNNING AROUND NAKED AND KILLING PEOPLE!!!!"-aspect of the game that I know most Oblivion players enjoy (no use denying it, just look at what kind of mods are made and what videos are posted on youtube and what pictures are showcased here - naked women, women in pornographic poses, strip club-mods, etcetc). And, let's face it, the men in Oblivion really aren't very hot, and I have seen next to no male-hotness mods out there."


I don't actully play Oblivion since the main quest. Having SI Facegen I enjoy making faces of celebrities and friends. Though I create mostly females I have made a male main character that you might be interested in named Aragorn. He is available for download here at TES Nexus.

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To me it's the open world and the mods. Who doesn't love running around anywhere you want? jumping off cliffs and dieing and drowning urself. What really got me playing was all these mods that made the game alot more fun and exciting. For example all the ehh graphics that you start out with can be retextured and everything. To have an awesome game with so many mods to chose from really gets me going. :biggrin:
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