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Probably the stupidest question EVER...

Crim, The Red Thunder

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Just what DO all the error messages related to plugins mean? They arent missing, files, and they have continued to work fine now for a long time, but i get error messages every time i load morrowind, and again when i load my savefile...


most notably, the 'unmatched versions of masterfiles message'... i have the most up to date master files (to my knowledge... its whatever game on the morrowing GOTY edition for PC...) but i get this with mods who depend on all 3, mods that depend on 2, and mods that only depend on morrowind... do i have to update my main game master files?


And the 'script not compiled' error message... this has popped up consistently for the same plugins each time...


Another example, i downloaded and completed the firemoth quest. I had no problems anywhere in it. No problems saving/loading. Then i returned the quest item to the legion guy in seyda neen. And i saved. Everytime after that, when i loaded my savefile i got a 'script: Firmoth_archer not found in firemoth_sail_script' message... and the boat to firemoth is gone... so again i wonder...


I guess the question im asking is, what actually causes these error messages?


And can it be fixed? (At least some of them...)

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most notably, the 'unmatched versions of masterfiles message'...

This means that the plugins was created using another version of Morrowind, tribunal or bloodmoon than the one you have... If you have the newest it probably means that the plugin is old, and made with an older version. I myself have never had any problems because of this, but if you want it to go away, all you have to do is open the mods in TES:CS and save them, or use TESTool, which is a program for merging mod etc... I'm not too experienced with it so maybe someone else could elaborate on this...

And the 'script not compiled' error message...

This means that there is a problem with whatever script it points out, when a script don't compile there is an error in the code which makes it impossible for MW to read that particular script.

when i loaded my savefile i got a 'script: Firmoth_archer not found in firemoth_sail_script' message... and the boat to firemoth is gone...

I have the same thing but it's with a mage... don't know what it is since I've never bothered to check! But I have never been allowed to even start the quest since the boat was never there in the first place... funny... Maybe someone can help me with that?

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hmmmm... i never had a problem when i first started using the mod... were you applying it to a new game, or adding it into a pre-existing game? I applied it mid-game, after having gone through QUITE a bit of trouble to advance in guilds and everything else... Maybe starting it with a new game interferes since the firemoth ship is in the same place as the prison transport ship... i wonder....


BTW, this is going to sound totally stupid, but what IS the most recent version of the 3 master files? and where do i get more up to date versions, if i am left behind?

(Like i said... stupid question.)


Edit: okay, let's just add to my stupidity here... The mods which give the 'script not compiled' error message, are ERRORS and BUGS, and they should be reported to the creator (assuming the creator makes note in his readme to report bugs... ive actually seen one that said: "Dont send me bug reports, i spent too much time on this already, and it works well enough. I dont care if its perfect, or if its even beatable without cheating.") so that it can be fixed... correct? Furthermore, is it possible these 'script not compiled' error messages are a result of an incorrect master file version (as mentioned in earlier post... my versions probably to new...) or is it purely a result of coding... For that matter, could it be the result of another mod?


Edit: Well, once again, yet another (stupid) Question... I recently used some mods which gave no error messages at the start of the boot-up for morrowind, or for the start of my savefile... and they began to have consistent errors within the mod, even with items not related to that mod. (Not directly at least... if the exact details become important ill let it out, but i dont feel its that important...)


IT claims to be unable to find a file. Now after writing down the name of the file, and exiting out, i checked the data files folder. I found the exact file that the game "couldnt find"... and then checked readmes for the installation... Supposedly, it's installed correctly according to the readme, and it was extracted directly from the zip... (with manual extractions done for the files inside pre-existing folders like the 'w' folder in meshes...)

What is causing this one? Did i install something wrong? Or is there (once again) problems with the plugin?

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were you applying it to a new game, or adding it into a pre-existing game?

I don't remember, but I probably started a new game... I'll check it out.

what IS the most recent version of the 3 master files? and where do i get more up to date versions, if i am left behind?

Elderscrolls, The official homepage for the elderscrolls series, of course. Here you'll find the newest updates, I don't recall the exact numbers, but I think you'll have them if you have GotY. I may be wrong, though.

The mods which give the 'script not compiled' error message, are ERRORS and BUGS, and they should be reported to the creator so that it can be fixed... correct?

Yes, as far as my basic knowledge goes.

Furthermore, is it possible these 'script not compiled' error messages are a result of an incorrect master file version or is it purely a result of coding... For that matter, could it be the result of another mod?

Yes, it could be incorrect master files, say f.ex. that in your version a function of the TES:scripting language (or whatever it is called) is different from the version the script was made with, that could cause an error. As for it being caused by another mod; the mods are loaded based on the date/time it was last saved, oldest first, so if two mods changed/used a script with the same name, only the latest loaded mod would apply it's changes... I am not an experienced scripter, in fact I have never scripted in MW, just read about it, so maybe someone who does know what they are talking about could help. Though I believe I am correct on this.

where can i find TESTool...

Here ;) You can also read all about it's features.


I don't know how much you know about different programs for MW, but just in case HERE is a cool program called Morrowind FPS Optimizer which greatly enhances your Morrowind experience... I suggest you look around cause there are many 'outside' programs which are really great, and important... f.ex. Morrowind Enhanced series by Aerelorn, and also; HERE You can read more about great programs like TESAME and Morrowind Leveled List Merger. If you haven't tried theses programs before; Get ready to have Morrowind improved... B)

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Thank you VERY much!!! You have no idea how much time this saves me... im one of those perfectionists, and im actually fairly new to morrowind on pc (had the game for about six months but this is the first time ive ever seriously played it, and the first time ive been using any mods... some are pretty helpful, but still balanced, and have made my life inordinately easier... but i digress.) I have also formed the annoying habit of writing walkthrus for quest/guild mods that dont yet have one. Or for an 'honor-bound' character who just wants to play through the main quest, and any combination of guilds he can imagine... getting around any quest conflicts PEACEFULLY (IE. Without cheating, and without having to indulge in extreme measures...), and Morrowind has been a great game.


I already have the morrowind andvanced program as well as combat enhanced (those combos are just TOO tempting... but) but i havent installed either yet as i was afraid running the morrowind advanced program on top of morrowind along with my 30-some odd mods might crash my PC... i am definitely going to try it though...


If the most recent versions of master files are on the elderscrolls page, then i DO have the most recent versions. (The version number on the game is the same at least)


I now have SEVERAL emails to send off to mod-writers, as well as corrective work for my own use to do...


Finally, i have picked up TEStool (about 2 minutes before you sent the message... i dont know WHY Morrowind summits download wouldnt connect before... but it did now...)

I have also been looking for a leveled list merger, since i picked 'the undead', black saints, and tamrielic dragons, as well as 'weapon compilation mod' (all of which i BELEIVE need to be merged...)

I hope the FPS optimizer makes a difference, as frames are a bit jerky when you move with a speed of 550... more with created artifacts...


Edit: (well, not really, but still) do you (or anyone else...) know where i can find a GOOD tutorial that explains all the features and things that can be done with the TES construction set? OR an easier way to test created cells then constantly loading and exiting morrowind?

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i was afraid running the morrowind advanced program on top of morrowind along with my 30-some odd mods might crash my PC...

I'm currently running 112 plugins (and growing) with MW FPS optimizer and morrowind enhanced in the background, I also have many texture enhancements, and I have absolutely no problems with crashes... But that's just me... ^_^ And also I only use plugins that I myself know are as bug-free as possible. Probably part of the reason why I don't have CTD problems is that I am very careful about which mod-combinations I run.

I now have SEVERAL emails to send off to mod-writers

Good, I myself never do this, but I'm glad to see that you take the time to give them feedback. I'm sure they'll appreciate it!

do you know where i can find a GOOD tutorial that explains all the features and things that can be done with the TES construction set? OR an easier way to test created cells then constantly loading and exiting morrowind?

THIS is the best place I can recommend to you... I think they've got most of it covered!

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Thanks for all the help youve offered... unfortunately its not all good...


i cant reach the site you mentioned (Shitty AOL controls... im 18, what do i need those for?), in a minute ill try an anonymizer or a browser-in-browser program....


As for the rest, it has helped a lot.


I certainly appreciate the help, and i started using the FPSoptimizer last night... our of curiosty, any suggestion what settings i should let it use?


BTW, I envy you and your non-conflicting mods... although some conflicts are good. I had a house mod which apparently GREATLY increased the capacity of chests. I also (later...) started using the "Private Mobile Field Base" mod, which has a large storage room... but apparently, the chests inside are also altered by the other house mod. (The other house mod wouldnt work with the first one i used, and i cant turn that one off or i lose my ring of speed (+250)...) If you were wondering the mod i turned off (that altered chest size) was 'a grand abode'... after turning it off, i could not add anything to my chests in the PMB anymore, and removing an item would not let me put it back in. (Items that were already in there wouldnt go back in after i took them out...) if it wasnt for the other conflicts it caused, i woulda left it on. oh well...


Edit: Nope, the CEnsorship CIrcumvention Device wont load the pages right... i can get to the main page, but not to any of the actual help files... *sigh*...

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i cant reach the site you mentioned

Try THIS SITE instead... Maybe you'll have better luck with this one.

I certainly appreciate the help, and i started using the FPSoptimizer last night... our of curiosty, any suggestion what settings i should let it use?

That depends on your hardware... I suggest you should make sure to have at least 15 fps, the best would be to have the number above 24... Maybe a range of 20 - 25, which is what I have in the general box, with a minimum view distance of 2500. This is really something very individual, you should just experiment and find something that suits you.



About the conflicting chests: I hope that both of them has simply chosen the same name for their chests by accident, for if you open the CS and f.ex. edit the maximum weight allowed in a chest and then saves it, this would affect all the chests in the game with the same ID. Say you make a house and place a copy of the 'chargen' barrel with Fargoths ring in it. In this barrel you remove the ring, and add 100 gold, then save. When you start a new game with this mod loaded the ring in the barrel in Seyda Neen would be replaced by 100 gold. With the ring gone you would be unable to continue the game... You have to create a unique ID for the barrel you used, to avoid conflicts... Of course if these two mods both adds a barrel with the same ID these would conflict. If one of them is simply a house mod, without any scripts, you could just open it in the CS and change the ID of the chest, then delete the old one from the list, and it should work fine, but if there are scripts referring to the chest you would get an error! About this particular clash I have little knowledge as I have never tried either of the mods in question. You'll just have to open the mods in CS and see if they both adds a chest with the ID displayed in the error-box you receive in the game.





I just notice I had missed something in your post:

I had a house mod which apparently GREATLY increased the capacity of chests


If this changes all the chests in the game, I would seriously consider dropping this mod as it probably conflicts with several other mods... Again, I'm not an expert, but my gut-feeling tells me that this is bad. A mod adding new chest should be fine, but directly changing the original chests is bad.

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Well... If you want to see what the big change was (if there was one... i turned it off, and the increased chest capacity stopped in my PMB...) its the 'a grand abode' mod. IT adds a 5 story house with EVERYTHING and the kitchen sink in it. Inside the house are 2 UNIQUELY named containers, one of which is a dresser holding 900000 weight units, and the other being a similar chest. (Or was it a closet... hmmm...) i couldnt enter the house, as a result of the 'house in the hill' plugin (the hill covers up EVERY door...) so i cant confirm this. i DO know that the chests which were affected in the mobile field base mod, where ordinary named chests. "The cursor says "Chest"... no unique name..."

To the way i have been seing things, other chests that go by the same cursor-name are not affected, but i do not know why the ones in my PMB are affected... if you hadnt seen the post, ive only ever had 1 major conflict (which i still havent fixed... for sure...) and that was with the Urshilaku camp propylon stone in the master index quest. She wouldnt sell it. I deactivated an (unused) mod which i belive was causing the problem, but i havent been back to try again.


In other words, so far, no problems. The mod has long since been deactivated... like i said, i couldnt use it... (I will probably try using it without the house in the hill mod next game... just to see if that changes anything...)



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900000 pounds? wow... That's probably why I haven't tried it. I go for total realism with my mods. ;)


But the ID I spoke of is not something you can see in-game... It's a unique ID placed on an object in the Construction Set, well, not unique, several objects can have the same ID, but they also contain the same stuff... If you have two mods with conflicting placement/landmasses this should be easily fixed in the CS. It doesn't take a lot of practise to learn how to fix small conflicts yourself, just have a look at the tutorials, and you'll see! :)


And about the propylon mod... I have started it several times, but I have never gotten that far because of a disease I suffer from which causes me to start new characters all the time... :blink: So I'm afraid I can't help you...


EDIT: I just got around to test firemoth with different mod combinations, and it passed all... Both with only it and Morrowind loaded, and with GotY and all 112 mods, both combination as a new game and while loading a saved one. It's been a while since I last tried to run it, so it must have been a conflicting mod I used then. Anyway, I'm off to finally do the Firemoth quest! B)

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