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Probably the stupidest question EVER...

Crim, The Red Thunder

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I know it's been a while, but i've been a little busy... and i didnt get an 'topic updated email for this one... hunh'


anyway, im glad firemoth works, and i get a different message on it's error now. (or i read it wrong the first time!) It now mentions a "firemoth_sailor not found in ......"


secondly, a warning: DONT FIGHT GRURN unless your character is a @$%@#$ GOD!!!!! i had maxed stats, and Chrysamere, and i hardly did ANY damage to him. I summoned 4-5 tame golden saints. They all died, and i dont think they got a single hit in. (Im probably doing something wrong, but i dont know what...)


Third: If you think having a disease making you always start new characters, try having the 'unchangeable' mental mindset against EVER taking anything from a living person (including the property not on their person...) and never committing a crime, unless asked to do so in a quest; while trying to become grandmaster of every guild, including the guilds in plugins. I must say, im doing fairly well for myself as grandmaster of the telvanni, next to grandmaster in morag tong (gotta finish the webspinner quest...) and next to grandmaster in the temple, Primate of the cult (engaged in the second quest for the oracle) and working on the tribunal expansion for the first time, and having completed every part of the main quest EXCEPT for the part where you fight the last boss... and yes, i have the three tools of the heart...

Either this, or try living with ADHD and playing Morrowind with the aforementioned perfectionist complex, and not moving from your computer for periods of up to 10 hours at a time... :P Like me! ^_^


Finally: As for the thing about the chest/dresser which holds 900000, they have unique id's... They are the Chest/Dresser of incapacity!!!!!! (they are literally labeled this inside the game, and other chests/dressers are not.. so i know they are unique items...

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try playing Morrowind with the aforementioned perfectionist complex, and not moving from your computer for periods of up to 10 hours at a time... :P Like me! ^_^

A word of advice from one who learned the hard way - watch your back! I have had to pay to get mine moving properly after too much sitting at PCs. During the day I work at one and then there was the need to play MW at home!


It doesn't require too much effort as long as the PC you play at is adjusted to your specific needs - height, angle etc. If it is not, you need to do rather more!



£240 lighter, I should know!

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Either this, or try living with ADHD and playing Morrowind with the aforementioned perfectionist complex, and not moving from your computer for periods of up to 10 hours at a time...  :P Like me!  ^_^

I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but I finished KotOR three times in the first five days after I got the game... :blush: That was 24-7... But I don't spend that much time playing morrowind, though. I surf the net looking for new mods mostly, and when I find one I start a new game and play for a couple of hours, before I find another new mod and have to start the game all over again... It's hell! :blink:


It's hard to believe that I've actually managed finished the main quest and Bloodmoon... I haven't gotten through Tribunal, yet, though! Hopefully I'll do that with the new character I started yesterday. :wacko:

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word to the "ones-with-the-need-to-be-cool-as-all-hell" :


finish tribunal. Trap the final bosses soul. (You need the BEST soulgem... a grand wont work...) That soul is even better then a certain gold-silver demi-god's. (who is way too weak to be a god...)


second: Train long swords. You'll want it for the two REALLY cool weapons from tribunal, which get an animation on the sword that looks like the one on flame atronachs. Yes, flickering flames are included! there are 2 distinct weapons, a red fire version, and a blue-fire version... both are VERY cool. Unfortunately, directions arent real good in tribunal... it has been heck for me to try and find my way around... and the escort quests are a pain in the rear...


third: what's KotOR? the only similar abreviation i know is KOTR from the last summon in FF7... i know there was a similarly named game, but i dont know what...


fourth: ummm... i dont think there should be a problem... i havent had any problems and before the computer, it was my tv and videogame systems, (which i played just as much) so i have been doing this for about *checks calender... does a double take, then checks birth certificate* 12 years now. No problems as yet, save the occasional hand cramp from repeatedly hitting the arrow keys for hours on end when playing a ripoff of DDR... (No, i dont have carpel-tunnel... yet... and i do try and avoid it...)


Fifth: Seriously, how much in american is 240 pounds? (and please dont answer in ounces... :D )


Edit: Never-mind... Knights of the old republic... out of curiosity, are the graphics (and game) as glitchy as everyone says? i dont know how long that game is, seeing as i dont own an x-box (and probably never will, since i couldnt put it online around here... no offense x-box junkies, but the only good feature of the xbox is the internal hard drive... it's far better then checking through 30 some-odd memory cards. (That's not an exaggeration... if anything it's an understatement!!!) And before anyone else gets offended, i can always get MW on computer!! (And that way i can use mods too!)


BTW, just HOW do you manage to play 24-7 for 5 straight days???????????????? *in poor Joe Dirt Imitation* DAAAAAAANNNNNGGGG!!

Wish i could do that, but my brain sorta conks out after about 48 hours... of course, ive managed 3 days before, but then i slept for a day... give-or-take an hour.

I guess ill just settle for my normal 4-6 hours of sleep for every 24, and none on saturdays... (Anime!!! crappy cable anime, but still...)

I salute you Tor Anders! Nothing to be embarrased about, you should be proud!

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Knights of the old republic... out of curiosity, are the graphics (and game) as glitchy as everyone says? i dont know how long that game is, seeing as i dont own an x-box (and probably never will, since i couldnt put it online around here...

You haven't played it? You're missing out! And it has been released for PC, so you really should buy it... And about the length; Hard to say... I'm a slow player, exploring everything, but I think my first time through took about 30 hours, I don't know, it's been a while. And I didn't notice any nasty glitches for either as far as I can remember.

BTW, just HOW do you manage to play 24-7 for 5 straight days???????????????? *in poor Joe Dirt Imitation* DAAAAAAANNNNNGGGG!!...

...I salute you Tor Anders! Nothing to be embarrased about, you should be proud!

Er, okay I lied... I didn't play 24/7, but Star Wars was on my mind all the time! In my dreams I was a bad*ss lightsaber-wielding Ewok! B)

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sounds like me in morrowind...


and mechwarrior 3...


and X-wing VS Tie Fighter: Balance of power (yes i know it's old, but it's still good... at least to me...)


And Star Wars Demolition (again, it's old, but fun!)


and *list go's on for hours... just insert any video game name here...*




Edit: Yoda is cooler!!! i want to see a 'dark yoda' character... wielding a double-edged lightsaber... and i want to see a few new colors... (*cough* GOLD *cough cough*)


Edit: No joke about this, i really, and (almost) literally "eat, sleep, and breathe video games!" Now if i can only get rid of this pesky annoyance called Real Life...

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