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I've been looking for a climbing mod for an extremely long time... I used one in Oblivion all the time. It was epic.

Sadly, I haven't been able to find one for Skyrim.


I've asked some authors of Oblivion climbing mods how they managed it, and I've gotten much better at writing scripts than I was a couple months ago. Still, I don't have the skill required to make a functional climbing mod from scratch. :/

Still desperately hoping someone makes one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i didn't know there was a climbing mod for oblivion. yeah, i was thinking the same thing, and decided to see if it was already in the mod requests. sure enough, here it is. natural thing to think of when you are frustrated going around impossibly huge, steep mountain ranges all the time. lemme add my name to that request. skyrim is ridiculously mountainous.

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