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Equip bug?


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Hi, I've google all over and can't find any one else who has had this problem, much less a solution. But it's annoying, and hopefully someone can help me.


So the issue is that when I switch to a new spell in combat, my hands just start equipping random spells and weapons from my hot keys. They switch a good 4-8 times in rapid succession, and get me killed all the time. So please someone tell me something.

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Does it only happen with spells that you assigned to the quick list hot keys (1-8 )?


If so, I'd suggest looking a your keyboard for any key issues. Or just try a different keyboard and see if that causes it to go away.


It sounds a lot like a hardware issue rather than the game itself.



EDIT: Would love to have an option to toggle off auto smileys. Dislike having to put a space between an 8 and ) because together it makes 8)

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Well for starters, deactivate all of your mods and try it then. If it is still messed up, try reinstalling skyrim. Like Ishara said it might be a keyboard issue. If none of those work I dont know what to tell you.

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I'm playing on vanilla, on a fresh install. It's not only equipping hot keyed items, I put the staff of Magnus on a weapon rack yesterday, cast a spell, and the bug pulls out a duplicate staff of Magnus. I was wrong when I said its hot keyed stuff, it seems to be cycling through items ive equipped.
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Well im stumped. My only suggestion would be to check your skyirm.ini file to see if everything is in order there otherwise just try reinstalling it 2 or 3 times and if it doesnt go away I dont know what else to do.

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