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Flickering Water Bug


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Okay, I'm having an issue in which the water in the game is flickering / flashing (Gif example below). Along with this, possibly related, there's another problem where in the distance there's a black spot / shadow that disappears upon approach. (Example below)


What the flickering looks like




What the shadow looks like




Any help would be greatly appreciated. ;o

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Do you use any shadow mods / water mods? Or maybe some .ini tweaks related to shadow/Decal distance?

Nu-uh. I actually had W.A.T.E.R installed, and I thought that might be the problem, so I uninstalled it, and the problem persisted.

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I think I had the same water problem as you, only my problem was when my character went down into the water and created some waves around him they would flicker.

I fixt it by uninstalling W.a.t.e.r and verify cache with steam to get the old water files back, and then installed w.a.t.e.r back and that fixt it the water flickering issue.


But that rock shadow thing you have, I think it has something to do with your decal distance, or just view distance in general. Search for some answers on the web :), I think enhanced distant decal mod can help you or maybe improve it.

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I think I had the same water problem as you, only my problem was when my character went down into the water and created some waves around him they would flicker.

I fixt it by uninstalling W.a.t.e.r and verify cache with steam to get the old water files back, and then installed w.a.t.e.r back and that fixt it the water flickering issue.


But that rock shadow thing you have, I think it has something to do with your decal distance, or just view distance in general. Search for some answers on the web :smile:, I think enhanced distant decal mod can help you or maybe improve it.


Thanks! I'll look into it.

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Okay, I've solved the water flickering issue. It appeared that the problem arose from having my monitor's refresh rate above 60hz. Mine was 144hz. Once I turned it back down, the flickering stopped.


I haven't yet figured out how to fix the shadow bug.

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, I've solved the water flickering issue. It appeared that the problem arose from having my monitor's refresh rate above 60hz. Mine was 144hz. Once I turned it back down, the flickering stopped.


I haven't yet figured out how to fix the shadow bug.

In response to my earlier advice, no, your monitor's refresh rate doesn't have to be 60 or below. I only seem to get the problem when my monitor is set at 144hz. 120 works fine.

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  • 3 months later...

Not to bump an old thread, but seeing as this still pops up on Google as one of the top searches, I figured I'd post this here. It's not related to your monitor's refresh rate.. well... it sort of is but only in that v-sync uses your refresh rate to determine what your fps cap should be. This problem is caused by high fps. Apparently anything higher than ~72-75 fps causes this problem, so the best way to get rid of it completely is to just cap the game at 60 fps. I wish Bethesda would have had the foresight to realize it would be played on more than just consoles and didn't design the game engine to have issues with high fps. If my computer is capable of running the game at 140-300 fps, it'd be nice to be able to enjoy that like I can in every other game in the world.

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  • 2 months later...

having the same problem "flickering water" yet my FPS is kinda low 35-40 ish i don't use v-sync or cap my fps, don't use mods for water related stuff either, shadows are off though. anyways just posting here cus it is still the top search on Google. if i ever find out what the problem is i'll update this post.

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  • 4 months later...

I fixed the problem by turning the refresh rate from 120 to 60 in the Nvidia control panel. No more water stutter or items shaking inside. It has no effect on Skyrim. And is an easy change.

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