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Captured Gorillas; what are the limitations?


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I'm trying to maybe possible make a mod for Fallout 4, but I'm running into some issues, the largest of which not knowing if what I want to do is even at all possible. Allow me to explain. Brahmin, cats, and dogs can all be attracted by specific objects, which is great! But, gorillas cannot. Like unless I'm missing something or some sort of object I can't seem to keep those darn things out of my homes. They're always in the way, blocking doorways and staircases and when they do get on the roof it sounds like I have a very noisy, leaky pipe somewhere. when there's enemies nearby they get trapped inside and scramble against a wall instead of, you know, actually being helpful.


So, I kind of want to try and make furniture that will attract and keep the gorillas in a relative area if possible, I took a look at the cow trough and saw it has it's own animation marker so I assume I'll need one of those, the problem being that gorillas kind of do what they want, can't be commanded, can't even wear hats! (jeez Todd, take all my fun) so I'm wondering if it's even possible, alternatively if it's possible to somehow just make gorillas assignable to something, anything in a settlement like how children can mind crops.


They're neat but gosh are they in my way!

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the problem being that gorillas kind of do what they want, can't be commanded, can't even wear hats! (jeez Todd, take all my fun) so I'm wondering if it's even possible, alternatively if it's possible to somehow just make gorillas assignable to something, anything in a settlement like how children can mind crops.


If you'd like to make them commandable:


- flag them Protected


- change the WorkshopNPCScript property bCommandable from False to True


- clear the value of the WorkshopNPCScript property bCountsForPopulation or change it to True


- add the Actor Value WorkshopRatingPopulation to the GorillaRace with a value of 1 (otherwise they'll frequently get unassigned)


But even if you assign them to work objects, they won't use them because they don't have guarding or weeding animations.

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