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Why my children can never play the Wii again


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this has to be a joke, isn't it?


I had no choice. In front of my children, I set upon the Wii, beating it with my shoe until it cracked and shattered. As its plastic pieces littered the floor, I explained to the children that the Wii had become tainted by some videogames that I did not approve of, and that meant we could never play it again or enjoy the games we used to play. HOW could we enjoy the family-friendly games knowing that VIOLENT ones also existed?


somehow i don't think this dude really did this.if it isn't a joke it's exagerated way too much.

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  • 3 weeks later...

guys in US there is alot of shooting and problem is not video games but that everyone could have a gun.

people allways blame video games for everything that is going on and problem is almost everybody believes. I am i n US for 1 year. when i first saw Oblvion 17+ i was standing like this :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: my point is STOP MAKING STUPID LAW START MAKING LAW THAT MAKE SENCE. Well It's good that people could have gun , but it's not should be allowded to any one



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