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The Elder Scrolls Online Petition


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I wasn't talking LAN play, I was talking WAN play with a small group of people in vastly disparate geographic locations. There is no dearth of players in FPS cooperative multiplayer, so what makes you think RPG players would not go find this attractive? The market is ripe for something like this, there are NO non-MMO multiplayer RPGs currently in circulation. People are sick of griefing, market fixing and all the other issues inherent in MMOs and that's the reason they are slowly dying.


If you're talking about online competitive play then I agree. But I don't think that non-competitive co-op RPG gameplay would last very long. Co-op gameplay in MMOs is driven by the desire to become better than other people. You do dungeons to show people who can't that you are better than they are.


I also disagree that there's this pandemic of griefing in MMOs. Modern MMOs are so sterile that you can't really be griefed anymore

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I also disagree that there's this pandemic of griefing in MMOs. Modern MMOs are so sterile that you can't really be griefed anymore


pppffff lets hope he nevers play EvE o,line than or he probably rage quit after a hour and throws his pc out of the window


but then again griefing occurs only if you let yourself open to griefing and that is for every online game out there


i tend to agree that ESO will go F2P after a certain time most likely in 6 months esêciammy now that they are working on a console version aswell

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If you're talking about online competitive play then I agree. But I don't think that non-competitive co-op RPG gameplay would last very long. Co-op gameplay in MMOs is driven by the desire to become better than other people. You do dungeons to show people who can't that you are better than they are.


Woah, what MMO's do you play? In 8 years of playing MMO's, I can count the number of times I've encountered people like this on one hand. Co-op gameplay (more properly known as PvE) is driven not by competition, but by story telling, a desire to experience encounter dynamics (dancing in Mogu'shan vaults, as a tank, is fun, BTW) and a cooperative attitude which drives you to see others succeed. The inherent model of dungeons means that you can't do it to prove yourself the best, because 99% of the time, you NEED others to accomplish it. It forces you to help others and to realise that, unlike PvP, you aren't some elite super bad ass god stomper.

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If you're talking about online competitive play then I agree. But I don't think that non-competitive co-op RPG gameplay would last very long. Co-op gameplay in MMOs is driven by the desire to become better than other people. You do dungeons to show people who can't that you are better than they are.


Woah, what MMO's do you play? In 8 years of playing MMO's, I can count the number of times I've encountered people like this on one hand. Co-op gameplay (more properly known as PvE) is driven not by competition, but by story telling, a desire to experience encounter dynamics (dancing in Mogu'shan vaults, as a tank, is fun, BTW) and a cooperative attitude which drives you to see others succeed. The inherent model of dungeons means that you can't do it to prove yourself the best, because 99% of the time, you NEED others to accomplish it. It forces you to help others and to realise that, unlike PvP, you aren't some elite super bad ass god stomper.



I didn't necessarily mean that you, individually, are trying to be better than others. Obviously guilds factor into things as well. You try to defeat hard content because not many people can. You want to show off your accomplishments in the form of "tangible" rewards such as gear, titles, and mounts.


This is the reason why really no theme park MMO can seem to do as well as WoW did in its prime. They all sugarcoat and remove the competitiveness of PvE. What's the point of running a dungeon more than once if I'm not trying to get a rare piece of gear to complete my set so I can show off while idling in town? Consequently, that rare piece of gear will also make me a little bit more powerful, which will help me kill the next boss that only 1% of all players can kill, so I can then get the rare gear he drops and even less people can get.


This was the predominant mentality of most people playing WoW back in the first few years. It might not have been overt, but it was there. You didn't find a group for Scholomance because everyone loved cooperation, you found it because they needed wanted Teir 0 helm so they were that much stronger when trying to kill Golemagg in Molten Core later that night. And they wanted to kill Golemagg so they could get one step closer to Ragnaros, which no one had downed on their server yet and they wanted to be the first for bragging rights. Because with those bragging rights came more and better applications, which kept the guild healthy and skillful, allowing them to keep getting server firsts. It's essentially social Darwinism, and it's odd if you don't think that would blend into a fictional world from the real one.

Edited by Maverick827
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This. Cooperative games are a lie. Cooperative anything is a lie.


Ever played League of Legends? It's a team based PvP game, where "team based" means "the nice guy gets to play support, then when the game is going bad everyone rages and starts wishing cancer on each other, then they report their teammates to get them banned for trolling". Guild Wars 2? I've seen people intentionally kite mobs onto others trying to do a jumping puzzle.


Work? You work together because you are trying to advance your own career, not because you want the others to succeed. Perhaps you closed the elevator doors in a colleague's face when you had a bad day and didn't feel like waiting. Or perhaps you were that d***head who takes the elevator from the 10th floor to the 9th floor at the office when everyone is rushing to catch a train. Perhaps you don't take the train to work, perhaps you drive a car, one that makes your neighbours jealous, or at least an aggressive looking one to assert your dominance. At home, you watch some blooper reels on youtube, then upload a mod on the Nexus at the correct time to beat the other losers to the Mod of the Week lists.


Monkeys stick together to defend against other monkey tribes and predators, but they still scam and lie to each other; other tribes are to be killed with sticks, of course. In the end humans are just another species of monkey.



Why not just, well, not get the game? Why petition it? Just boycott and move on and wait for The Elder Scrolls VI coming in 2016 or 2017. LOL!


That's also true. There is absolutely no reason why we as the customer should be providing marketing feedback for free. We owe Zenimax nothing. If their game is too expensive or bad, why waste time telling them about it unless they pay you? They failed, find another game.

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I just don't see a way that this game will be worth playing. Any who likes traditional TES game play will be disappointed with this game. Why couldn't they just make the next TES game be co-op or up to 5 players?


I like traditional TES games and I'm looking forward to this.


I've already said why co-op TES wouldn't work.

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My god EnaSiaion, you have a pessimistic outlook on things. It's also not supported by studies. Competition is caused by 2 situations. Social conditioning (the most common cause amongst Humans... We are taught from childhood that competition is good. We even go so far as to label people who don't participate in competitive sports during childhood as 'under privileged') and resource scarcity (which, again, is present in human culture, though it's an artificial scarcity created around the idea of luxuries).


Numerous social experiments among ape and monkey colonies, conducted in the UK, Canada and the United States have found that if supplied with an abundance of food, bedding, toys etc. primates are more than welcoming to new individuals and even entire colonies. In fact has become standard practice to increase the availability of food and toys prior to the introduction of new members. When a shortage of resources becomes apparent, groups will fracture based on family lines, a response dictated entirely by reproductive fitness. In the wild, there exists an almost perpetual resource shortage, which explains the more common competitive behavior in primates and other social mammals. Bonobo's tend to be somewhat different... Even during lean times competition is rare for them...

Anyway, in humans, competition is almost entirely social. It's beaten into us from day one. Even then, people have shown a tendency towards cooperation and even altruism with astounding regularity. Presumably this is because of an inbuilt understanding that working together and elevating the status of others in turn elevates us (we progress as a whole, not as individuals) but the research, and the debate is ongoing. Sufficed to say, Primates cooperate whenever possible, and even do so in situations where it is detrimental to the individual to do so.






Anyway, back to the point... TES online is trying a different approach than other MMO's, being the lack of structured classes. That, in and of its self, is at least worth looking into as a player, because classes have become an antiquated model where the game designer gets to tell you, the Player, what you can and cannot be and do, rather than letting you find your own way.


I tend to agree, though, Co-op and multiplayer have no place in the main games. I've argued that for years. Mechanics aside, it interferes with the basic scheme of TES games, being the meteoric rise of a hero to save the world. Parties of adventurers are the norm in other franchises, but Bethesda has kept to the idea of god like figures who exist for the sole purpose of saving the world, and i like that. Adding more individuals to the mix dilutes the importance of characters like the Nerevarine, the CoC and the Dragonborn.

Edited by Lachdonin
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