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Devil May Cry 5

Please help me find the "Keyboard prompts never appear" mod, I need it and can't find it


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Somebody please help me. I don't know where else to ask, I'm just going to leave this here in just in case anyone can help because I'm at my wit's end. I need help finding a mod I KNOW I exists. I KNOW I saw a mod SOMEWHERE that makes it so the Keyboard/Mouse prompts never appear but I cannot find it again. So I just got DMC 5 for PC and have been dying to mod it, so I went through literally every mod on the nexus, all 85 pages, looking at every single mod tracking all the ones I want, and I remember seeing a "Keyboard prompts never appear" mod but at the time I was like "Oh I don't think I'll need that" but boy how very wrong I was. I don't know why I thought that, I wish I could slap my past self, I made a huge mistake not tracking that mod because I do need it but for the life of me I cannot find it again. I've searched everywhere, even going through all 85 pages of mods again and still cannot find it. It's driving me absolutely insane, please... if anyone else knows where it is, please link me to it. I would be so grateful.

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